F(x) is so weird yet so cool

I find it very cool how SM manages to make f(x) different than any other group out there, I'M SNSD BIASED  and I still think f(x) is the most unique and cool group I've ever seen.


It so creepy and weird BUT SO COOL I CAN'T >.<

I love this little preview or whatever it is that they released , called Pink Tape ( ik the album is gonna be called like that too) 


I find it.................F(X)  STYLE BIACHES 


It's like.....remember when 2NE1 was the only baddass girl group in kpop ? Well now we have f(x)~


I don't think a group like f(x) is gonna come any time soon






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skattered-fragments #1
Touche touche .
Aww i love them too. their style is just so .. cool xD just like you said it
That preview really blowed my mind. And not. Forget to mention krystal's teaser image with kai hehe
I totally agree..and then the Kai and Krystal teaser pictures..
this will be epic!