Drama Fanfics

I have been thinking of this cool idea to have instead of a written fanfic. What about acted out fanfiction? (you know, if its not ...) But I highly doubt that idols would go for that idea... but still instead of getting the real idols themselves you could cast look-a-likes or possibly act a fanfic with out a look-a-like and just two normal actors, that are pretty/handsome. I swear if they put acted out fanfics on YouTube or anywhere else I would watch it!!! I prefer watching over reading... It's not like I hate reading though!! I love reading and stuff but sometimes it's hard do describe something happening, but if you act it out its a visual that everyone can see and understand better. Watching a fanfic would be a cool and different idea. I just think it would be more entertaining... just in my opinion. I watch videos more than 6 hours everyday... because I'm lazy... but its funnier to see skits them reading a book/story. Just imagine what would it be like if Youtube gave you a choice to either read the video or watch it. I would defiantly choose watching the video in a heartbeat. It wouldn't be as interesting if we just read everything. It's just easier to describe a feeling within a video. Sure you can type up a fanfic and have the choice to either read the fanfic or see it acted out, have your choice and I'll have mine.


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Interesting ideas... and I agree with you that sometimes it's hard to portray certain feeling or emotions it situations in writing ^^