Uninspired Author is Uninspired

Hello, person...s.
Yes, persons.
Plural. Oh yeah.

Anyway. I was just, y'know, sitting awake at one twenty AM and thinking about how I am a useless author. Useless I tell ya! Because this author doesn't update for cussing months and when she actually has an update, it's like a short story with ridiculous plot.

I mean, I'd love to see these situations in real life, but you know. In written form? Not so much.

So I decided to create this blog post. Because I wanted to get your attention.


I, the great author-ness leader_shii, have decided to accept drabble requests. Or prompts. Or just answer questions. Or...eat ice cream. I mean, what the audience wants, the audience gets, right?

So, um, yeah. Let the prompts/requests/flavours flow and just, y'know. Burry me with it.

Like. Deep under.

Deeeeeep. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Oh, and you know my fandoms. They're:

- Infinite
- SHINee
- maybe Block B. Depends on the pairing, really. (ZIIIIKWOOOOON)

Sooo. Imma start working. Ooooh yeah.

Summer break.



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So... Can I request a ZiKwon pleasee~ *puppy eyes*
Because I ship them so hard but there isn't enough ZiKwon ;-;