Pererted Old Men

Theres this old man living in my apartments and everyone calls him Old Man ert. I didn't know why until today. I was checking the mail and I found him staring at me. Being creeped out, I accidentaly dropped a letter so I bend down to pick it up. I look over and see the old man trying to get a better look 0.0 eeeeewwwwwwww!!


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oh what a coincidence... i have to deal with a erted old man too whenever i go in the balcony... he living with his old wife alone and still he stands there everyday! yikes!
that's soo weird -.- uuggghh ,,, stupid erted old man, you should totally be careful!
You need to stay safe! Always have someone with you and always check to see if your phone with you or something to contact with! I don't want my new chingu to get hurt ok?
omg thats so weird dude your estate is so creepy
i remember i had somebody like that too, except they'd watch me in my room from their roof, and then i found out the man isnt even living there, he's just a psycho who's always on peoples' roofs 0-0