Craving for fics…


Kekekekekeke I also mentioned that I haven’t read any fics in ages… I may be able to check on my account regarding on what’s new due to yoimjj31 and freakincool09 but uhhhh I really can’t use long enough to read a chapter… and uhm lots of my favorite fictions have already updated yet I wasn’t able to read the latest chapters T.T so uhm please don’t hold grudge against Me… ive never been a silent writer… the reason why I haven’t left a comment yet is because I haven’t read any of the latest chapters yet…


But anyway since there was no internet connection at home, I wasn’t able to connect to and upon clearing the unnecessary datas on my files, I stumble upon this document which compiles some stories that I have saved on my flash drive… there are some shinee and suju but alas, theres no yunjae T.T


I really wanna read more fics T.T wish that the internet connection would be fixed soon…


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Awwwwwwwwwwww it's okay. We'll wait for you <3