What I want for Christmas???



Okay so I practically want this…


Or this…


And this…



oh i just so love the LEEs ^^


Can you just please wrap these guys and send them to my door step on Christmas eve???



Kekekekeke actually I only want to have a big teddy bear for Christmas… something like this…



I know that I’m too old enough (hey I’m still 16 and I haven’t reached the age of 18 therefore I’m still a child) all I want is something warm and cozy to hug for the night… so is there anybody who would be very kind to give something like that as a Christmas present for me??? –Puppy eyes- just this once okay??? Please please please…



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kolmilyo #2
how am i gonna wrap the dubu for you when i want him for christmas too!
i want him for my birthday! (dec 8)
Hehehe ^^ Onew for Christmas!! ^^
I really don think being 18 changes one's level of maturity very much, as learnt from personal experience ^^' I still find "toilet jokes" hilarious.... *ahem*
I have a teddy bear like that. It's so cuddly!! :D:D:D
jonggggup #5
hmmmmm what a coincidence.
i've been wanting that first christmas present that you put down for years.
what was that gift called??
oh right.
an onew.