First of all , I don't know how to put his picture in this TT_TT 

He is my senior in my school

Lets start with his bio .  I'll just write what I know about him okayy^^

Name: Muhd Hafiz Bin Yaacob

Age: 15 (one year older than me)^^

School: SMK Kompleks Mengabang Telipot (same as me)

DOB: 1 August 1998

Hobbies: IDK

Sports House: Blue (same with me)

Attitude: arrogant , love to ogle , sometimes his nice (I guess . I never talk to him)

I think thats all that i know about him or I forgot something . I don't know

I started liking him last year in March . His face his like an english . I hope I know how to put his picture in here . 



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chromedukuro #1
aww~ i hope u can post his photo in here.. and i also hope u have a chance to talk to him :D
aww... i hope u'll talk to him someday :) maybe even couple with him ;)
Aww that's great! Hope you get to talk to him one day~ go get him girl ;D