Minstal?! ..Keystal?!







So from a while back I thought Minstal was pretty legit. For a while when I saw them on Dream Team, King of Idol, SM Town, and other places, I always thought they really seemed to be dating..especially in King of Idol. 

I mean, honestly, does it NOT look like they like each other?!

(seems pretty legit to me..)

But then I stumbled across a "Keystal" tumblr and though they're not as 'legit' as minstal pics and videos, they're also so cute!!

and also the "My First Kiss" performance they did at SM town *o* they seem close and that makes it even more confusing!! >o<
(if you haven't seen their performance, youtube or google "my first kiss krystal key" they did it a bunch of times at smtown concerts)

they're so adorable!!!

there's ALOT of cute cute pics i wanted to post that are on keystal facebook page but i dont know how to post facebook pictures so here's the link

LINK: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=pu.176794595707820&type=1


Seriously. go to the link.

but anyways, both are so adorable and both seem so legit.... -__- i wish i knew the truth...

which couple do you ship?? which do you think is the real deal? Please comment :)


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