one of things that pisses me off the most about kpop fans


english is listed as one of THE hardest languages to learn ESPECIALLY for people whose first language is not germanic/romance 

also having an accent doesn't mean you're bad at a language

my  mother has an incredibly think indian accent but she's learnt english since she was FIVE and is completely eloquent and understandable when she speaks so when you make fun of someone's english soley bc of pronounciation/accent its RUDE as HELL 

like the worst part too tho is westerners get SOOOOOO offended if you point out they have an accent when speaking a different language/point out the pronounciation is wrong but its ok to laugh at other people when they speak english and make mistakes

tbh this post has been made due to the ongoing (AND NOT FUNNY) jokes about it sounding like himchan said 'loof' instead of 'roof'


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Western fans are generally egocentric s who can barely wield their own language properly yet bash others for mispronouncing, etc. Like Exo's Wolf --> oolf xD THERES NO W IN KOREAN FOR SAKE.
I officially declared that EatYourKimchi site run by a couple of idiots when I saw their "review" of Wolf bashing their pronunciation. So long they've been in Korea yet they still act like the world revolves around the West.
yoooooooooooo truuuuuuuuuuu english is hecka hard lmao i still have a tiny accent even tho i was born in america but heyo if u call out those ppl theyll be dumb and say IF YOU CANT HANDLE A JOKE GET OFF THE INTERNET like wtf at least be responsible for u crappy actions