✫ indie pop ▒ lu lihwa ✫

     indie pop ▒ a climb to the top 

    [ismile2pie [chase]  [5]



[lu lihwa]


character name — lu lihwa/lee ma ree (only uses her chinese name)
nickname(s) — lulu, lili / anyone close enough to her calls her that

date of birth 02/14/94 - 19 years old                                                                 ethnicity — 3/4 chinese, 1/4 korean                                                                       languages — chinese {fluent in both cantonese and mandarin, first langauge}, korean {fluent, learned mostly at home and grew her knowledge once moving to korea}

first choice visual — gam dain
second choice visual — yurim

height + weight — 163 cm, 49 kilos                       

appearance — has a cresent moon shaped scar on the bridge of her nose, has a birthmark on her left shoulder, an angel kiss on the side of her left wrist, and a tattoo of an angel wing on the outside of each ankle

style — comfy, warm, and feminine.




personality keywords — calm, quiet, sweet, passive
personality breakdown 

lihwa is a very quiet girl that you will always see smiling and nodding, but not usually saying anything. she rarely starts a conversation and some may consider her shy, but really, she is often too busy listening to others or daydreaming to be talking herself. she is very sweet and would gladly do anything for people she's close to, no matter how burdensome it is for herself, though no one really asks her to do something she'd be uncomfortable with.

lihwa is always very happy. it's not uncommon to find her humming and grinning while busying herself with some task she has found to do. she is the unofficial 'maid' of indie pop, and cleans whatever mess there is even without being asked.  

one flaw lihwa has is that she is very passive. even when people are trying to take advantage of her, she doesn't really mind. this doesn't really seem like a huge flaw, but also when people are messing with her friends, she gets angry, but doesn't have the guts to stand up for them. she has been called a bad friend for this, and she often doubts herself about it.


lihwa was born in hong kong, china to her parents danke and seungwon. seungwon was korean and danke was chinese so seungwon moved to china so that they could get married. lihwa's mother was a ballerina so she took classes from an early age, and started to take numerous dance classes soon after. she soon became a master of dance. when she was 12, her family moved to korea, her father's home country. she continued to take dance lessons and at the age of 17 decided with some friends to create an independent dance group out of her passion for dance.            

trivia — // has two cats named hana and deul // reads and writes manhwa/manga // favorite color is red // has a complex about her singing voice // a master at ballet // hums a lot // has a phobia of robbers, so always locks her doors // favorite animal is dog but she's allergic // has low iron and has to be hospitalized often because of it //


father — lee seungwon — 49 — calm, kind, loving, pitiful — alive — 4 — yes

mother — lu danke — 45 — graceful, elegant, scary, cold — alive — 2 — yes, but half-heartedly

best friend — song qian/victoria — 25 — loud, goofy, sweet, funny — alive — 5 — yes

friend — kim himchan — 23 — cheesy, funny, stupid, silly — alive — 4 — yes

friend —  kim yoon hye — 22 — cheerful, self-centered, arrogant, dramatic — alive— 4 — yes

friend — ryu hwayoung — 20 — upbeat, masculine, funny, cheerful — alive — 4 — yes

friend — kim jongdae — 21 — prank-ish, funny, cocky, sweet — alive — 3 — yes




[lee jong suk]


love interest — lee jong suk {actor}
back-up love interest — lee hyun woo {b1a4}

personality he's very obedient (to his director and such) and introverted. but, once you get to know him, or when he's off set, he's a bit arrogant and cocky. he is very confident, but quiet. he's a bit unsocialable and hard to get along with, but in the long run, he's a sweet guy.

how you met/will meet — on the set of a drama they are both playing in.
how you act around each other — kind of awkward, but after a while they get familiar with each other and are very sweet torwards eachother. 

relationship status  acquaintances -> friends -> dating

do they support indie pop — yep


stage name — lihwa
persona — ...hm...quiet rapper? or something of the sorts?

specialty — voice imitations, especially deep men's voice and fast rapper's imitations
voice claim — ryu hwayoung (t-ara)

Talent Breakdown 

singing — 15

rapping — 40

acting — 35

variety — 10

 extras — her singing and variety skills are weak, but she excells at rapping, dancing, and acting.



song suggestions A bitter day by hyuna, gimme that by 4minute, bad boy by sistar, hey you by sistar, baby maybe by snsd, makeup and tears by after school

scene suggestions — [scenes you want for your character or indie pop as a whole]



comments/questions/concerns — so, um, how was indie pop created? were the members all friends and the wanted to create a dance group? did the leader, like scout members? ^^ oh and also, i know her voice claim is hwayoung, is it okay if she's friends with hwayoung too? or is that weird? eue

are you okay with the author changing minor details? —  yes, that's fine. ouo








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