❊Rouge | Lee Sungyeon | Sungyeon❊



Ayo GG!



Name : Lee Sungyeon

Nick Names : None

Stage Name : Sungyeon

Birthdate : 1991 August 27th

Age : 21

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : B

Birthplace : Gyeonggi, South Korea

Home Town : Gyeonggi, South Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (learning from her brother), English (enough swears to get by)

Personality :

Sungyeon's defining trait is her determination. If she doesn't get a dance routine or something done right away, she'll practice an hour or two extra just to get it right. She also makes sure the other members have everything right; Sungyeon is a perfectionist, and expects the best from her members and from herself. No matter what, she always tries her best and puts in very much hard work. Sungyeon also has self-control, though; she never overdoes anything, and she always makes sure she's got enough energy to do the next thing. Her self-control also shows when she's angry; she scolds the members or other people in a terrifyingly controlled rage. She'll be calm and cool as she rips you apart, so do not get this girl angry. On stage, Sungyeon's got a ton of charisma; it's easy to watch her for whole performances, but she insists on sharing the limelight with the other members too. They also need chances to shine, just like Sungyeon does. Finally, Sungyeon is also very passionate about her line of work. Rapping is her passion - composing is her #2 - and she loved it as soon as she did it for the first time. Her quote is, "If you aren't passionate about what you're doing, why are you doing it?"

However, sometimes Sungyeon's self-control is a bad thing. She has trouble showing emotions, even happiness, sometimes; she's always poker-faced unless something seriously happens. Hell, her brother says he's only seen Sungyeon smile once. Sungyeon can also be over-critical. When the other members don't get something right, or when she  doesn't get something right, she'll scold them very hard for it. She thinks it's for the best, but sometimes people don't take it well. Sungyeon's honesty leaves out absolutely nothing. Sungyeon is also very oblivious, especially to other people's feelings. Sungyeon isn't an emotional person, so she has trouble reading the emotions of others. Sungyeon's also very sarcastic, and that kind of humor doesn't exactly fly in Korea. Finally, Sungyeon doesn't know how to relax. She's always working, and is always wound up very tightly, like a spring. All of the little practices and late nights do add up, however slowly. If that spring snaps - if things get to be too much for Sungyeon - her rare angry side comes out. Luckily, the spring snapping takes a loooooooong time to happen, but when it does...watch yourself. You never know what's going to happen when it does.

Background :

Lee Sungyeon and Lee Sungyeol were born and raised in Gyeonggi, South Korea. They had a fairly normal life as kids, always performing together. He'd sing, she'd rap. Their parents picked up their passion for performing quite early on, and in 2007, they both auditioned to become trainees. After 3 years, Sungyeol found out he was having his debut in Infinite; both twins were incredibly excited about it, and it drove Sungyeon to work even harder for her debut.

Finding out she was finally debuting in Rouge was the happiest moment of Sungyeon's life; she immediately called her brother, and the rest of Infinite, who congradulated her with a small party. That's when she met Hoya, but that's not the point; point is, Sungyeon began training even harder in order to have Rouge be a succesful group.

Now she's doing the same thing, plus composing music for the group and getting to know her members. As long as Rouge becomes succesful, she doesn't care what happens along the way.




Whoz ThatGirl?




Idol Name : Soyu (Sistar)

Links /Tumblr : Tumblr

Back-up idol name : Hyunyoung

Link/Tumblr : Tumblr

Height : 172 cm

Weight : 51 kg

Style : Sungyeon has a style best described as bold and confident. She doesn't care if it's a skirt, dress, or jeans; as long as she looks good she will rock that look. Sungyeon's also not afraid of showing skin; she has a fantastic body and loves showing it off. 1 2 3 4 5






Family :

Lee Jungseok || 59 ||Dad || Shop owner

Seo Jimin || 59 || Mom || Shop clerk

Lee Sungyeol || 21 || Twin brother || Infinite - Vocalist

Bestfriend :


Jang Dongwoo ||22 || Infinite - Main Rapper || They're friends because they can bond over rapping. The best thing about him is easily his big smile and bright personality.

Friends :

Han Seungyeon || 25 || Kara - Main Vocalist

Seo Kwonmi || 22 || Trainee

Choi Leeun || 22 || Trainee

Rivals : Yoo Jiae || 20 || It's simple: Jiae has the kind of personality that winds Sungyeon up like a spring. Talking to her is tiring, but all the guys love her anyway - probably because of her cute face?




My Baby !



Lovers Name : Lee Howon / Hoya

Age : 22

Group : Infinite

Relationship : Very, very, very close friends that are clearly in love with each other.

How you treat eachother? : They do a lot of skinship, and they tease each other a lot - in the playful sense and in the romantic sense. When it comes down to it, though, Hoya is Sungyeon's best friend, and they care for each other very much.

Where/How did you meet? : The aforementioned Infinite party.


Back-up Lover : Sunggyu

Age : 24

Group : Infinite

Relationship : Rivals.

How you treat eachother? : Like rivals. They don't exactly get a long, but there's still romantic tension between them.

Where/How did you meet?: Same as Hoya.









Likes :

  • Nail art
  • Dancing
  • Purple - her favorite color of all time.
  • Bulgogi. Give it to her and she will love you forever.
  • Composing - she stays up late every night, notebook in hand.

Dislikes :

  • Being touched, unless she initiates it.
  • Being compared to her brother, or people calling her brother untalented.
  • Variety shows when the hosts are too prodding.
  • Being annoyed on purpose.
  • Having to do things she doesn't want to do.

Hobbies : Composing, it's her #1.

Habits : Picking at the skin around her nails.

Weakness : Let's just say there's a reason she's not a vocal...

Trivia :

  • Bulgogi is her favorite everything. She eats it all the time.
  • Her favorite video game is Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  • Carries around her 3DS all the time.
  • Looks up to Lana Del Rey.
  • Can handle alcohol very well.
  • Known for her S-Line.
  • Her ideal type is FT Island's Hongki, because she loves nail art.
  • Used to play tennis, but she gave it up when she became a trainee.
  • Terrified of snakes.
  • Her favorite place in the dorm is the practice room; she spends a lot of time there.
  • Sungyeon's guilty pleasure is war movies.
  • She was high school classmates with 4minute's Hyuna for a while.
  • Loves Avatar: The Last Airbender, and spends her free time watching that.
  • Her idol role model is Kahi.
  • Was in the video for K.will's "Please Don't".



Again & Again!





Persona: The Winter Queen - since she doesn't show emotions.

Position : Main rapper, leader

Back-up Position : Lead dancer, rapper, face of the group.


Trainee Life : As a trainee, Sungyeon focused on her #1 thing - rapping. She didn't let anyone else phase her, and didn't let anybody stand in her way. Switching from Woollim to SM was kind of hard, though, because for hte first time she didn't have her brother.

Trainee Years : 6 - 3 under Woollim, 3 under SM



Volume  Up!




Comments : There's a bunch more apps for the leader this time...I still hope Sungyeon gets chosen, even though the chances are slim ^^

Request : Kiss scene? Would that be okay?

Suggestions : Nah~

B-B-Boy I miss you, baby nuhuhuh!


Much love from jekkjekkainfinite and Junkooks_Wife_!!!!



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