〈 concertos 〉fluist / Byun Baekhee


❝ Byun Baekhee 


 exokristao / 9 / Call me JR!  

〈 concertos 〉

name: Byun Baekhee
nickname: Baekjo - To her cousin - because "You reminded me of a swan"Said her cousin. (P.s Baekjo is 'swan' in korean)
date of birth:  12 May 1992
hometown: Seoul
ethnicity: Full Korean 
languanges: Korean [Fluent], English [Conversation] - cause, school

ulzzang: Baek Su Min 
appereance: gallery 
back-up ulzzang: Lee Dasom 
appereance: gallery 

style/appereance: She had a dark brown eyes, and long lashes. Her nose is sharp and her lips is not too thin but not too thick either. She had a long wavy black hair that contrast her pale skin making her look even more pale. 

Her everday clothes is mostly white. But, the most comfortable outift for her to wear is either sweaters + shorts or casual dresses. She doesn't really like to wear high heals, for her the most comfortable footwear is sneakers. her height is 166 and her weight is 51. Not to heavy but not to thin, just normal. 



〈 f i r s t movement 〉

four personality traits: insecure, fragile, delicate, stubborn 
personality: She's practically a swan. Beautiful yet cold on the outside but fragile at the inside. It was true though, she's popular but people accused her to be a 'cold' lady. Since she had a cold yet beautiful face, but who to blame? she was born this way. If she could choose she probably didn't want to end up with a cold face. Fragile, that's another word to describe her, she had a fragile heart and mind. Since, the incident with her brother a few years ago leaving her more emotional to certain things. Yup, she's an emotional person but suprisingly she's good at hiding it. She likes to cry to herself before sleeping, that's why, when you come to her room in the morning you will see her tears stains on her pillow.

delicate yet stubborn, another word. She's delicate, she is but she's also stubborn at the same time. It's true she's popular but she rarely socialize with them, why? because she always clueless on what she should say. She's afraid that she will hurt their feelings if she talks wrongly. Or maybe talked about something that shouldn't be talked in the first time. The stubborn. She's stubborn you know why? everytime her cousin giving her feedbacks or correcting her mistakes she will just ignore her. because she always think that what she do is always right, and what her cousin do is always oh so wrong. But actually that's not true, sometimes her cousin might gave her the right feedbacks but she just didn't want to listen to it. She always talks back if her cousin tried to gave her the words.

last thing, insecure. She's always insecure to all of things. There's actually another reason on why she rarely talks to people. First, as i was saying before she's afraid to hurt their feelings. Second, It's like.. she didn't know what to say, she's not good at conversation. She thinks too much before speaking, sometimes people also get annoyed, rejected it's what they're feels. 

Also, she never actually believe 100% on herself. When she's done with her assingments she will read it carefully over and over again. It's done beautifully but she always thinks that something is missing. She's always insecure, especially on music. If she can't read the notes smoothly she will either stop playing or be dissapointed in herself. She thought that maybe she didn't practice enough or maybe she doesn't have that much talent in music anymore. Her words often started with "But, what if.." and ends up with "I think i have to do it again..". Her cousin, which is a violinst feel kind of annoyed of her insecurerities, she play instruments too so she knows that sometimes we get to feel dissapointed in our playing but it's not like we're lacking of practice it's just.. we just didn't quite reach that yet. So, being an oh so beautiful cousin, she decided to pull Baekhee to the ochestra 




  • Her cousin calls her Baekjo; (swan) because she always reminded her of a swan
  • Baekhee's favorite food is ddokboekki
  • Flute is the only instrument she can play
  • Although she's popular, she never had a boyfriend before
  • Always wanted a boyfriend that had a music interest
  • Baekhee's favorite animal is white swan and white kitten



〈 da c a p o 〉

background: She had a not so beautiful past. everyone thinks that she had a lot of money and bright future, but she doesn't. It all started with a simple thing called 'family fight'. Her brother, Daehyun. Always dreamt to be a singer and guitarist, he's also the reason on why she took interest in music. However, her father object it. He didn't want his only son to focused on 'usseless' thing called music. But, why didn't he object Baekhee's desire to play flute? simple. Daehyun the next heir or we should call it the next person that were going to take over her father company. 

Daehyun didn't have any interest in bussiness so he didn't accept it. His father is furious, he kept telling him that no matter what happen, he will going to take over the company and that's final. 

But Daehyun still object, and this time Baekhee in to the conversation. Do you want to know why Daehyun is so into music? Because he wanted to make people happy, especially his own sister. What motives Daehyun to sing is her sister, when they were younger Daehyun always sang when Baekhee cried, and Baekhee will stop crying eventually. And Daehyun knows that music will make everyone happy.

His father is furious, and he blamed Baekhee for all of this. He told them to go away and they did, they went away from home carrying only a few luggages and what's precious to them.

Their music instruments.

But before anything could happen, a car drove itself to them and Baekhee froze, she can't do anything but look at the car in shock. Daehyun, noticing the situation his siter were in oush her aside and let the car hit him. He died.

And Baekhee always blamed herself.

After their gone to the hospital her father and mother visited them, but the first thing her father do is to slap her. Her mother tried to stop him but she can't so in the end her father hit her numerous times before stopping. He said that because of her, his company will be ruined and because of her, Daehyun is dead.

So, he told her to go away. 

and she did.

But what she didn't know, is that no one comfirms Daehyun death.

and now, her family is filled by debt.

Daehyun | Big brother | 23 | Still Trying to find a job | Kind, Protective, Persistent, Lovable |  Daehyun always treats her with much affection and love.

Byun Minho | Father | 47 | Once a CEO | Strict, cold, intelligent, obstinate | He were once a loving father, but after the incident, he always treats Baekhee like a stranger, because he thinks that Baekhee is the reason of the 'debt'

Byun Hana | Mother | 46 | teacher in a daycare | Demure, delicate, Understanding, stern | Mrs. Byun always treat Baekhee like a piece of glass that can be broken anytime, she's still trying to keep in touch with Baekhee but she found it hard to do so. 

〈 polyphonic 〉

name: Byun Baekhyun
his position in orchestra: oboe
date of birth: 06 | 05 | 1992

back-up: Park Chanyeol 

personality: Baekhyun... how to explain it. He's not a really 'hyper' person but he's not that quite either. Well, either way he's still quite. He always liked to stay mysterious to people. He didn't really like it when someone came to him and asked him be his friend just like that. I mean they barely know each other!

Maybe we could just call him as a 'calm' person. He choosed to stay quite all the time staying as an 'handsome mysterious man' everyone's been talking about. He can be rude but it's not often, just a few times. But there's a lot of good side of Baekhyun that only a few people noticed.

he's a tenecious, and persistent guy. He's not a type of guy that will give up just like that. He will fight, no matter how rough the road is he will fight, and in the end always turns out good, suprisingly.

He's also a reliable person. When you feel sad or needed someone beside you, Baekhyun will lose no time to come to you and comfort you. but of course, only a few people he cared enough to be cared by him. If he didn't care about you then he will not do anything to comfort you.

Baekhyun is also protective, he will tend to protect on what's precious to him. He can also sacrifice himself if he had too, if you're really that special, Baekhyun will lose no time to think and prove it trough action. 


They first meeting, is in the musical room. Baekhyun was the one who sat beside Baekhee, and the first thing that came in Baekhyun's mind is 'Typical rich girl' Baekhyun wanted to scoff but he decided not to. While the other member of the orchestra chats, Baekhyun and Baekhee just stay quite all the time, because , both of them are a 'quite' person.

However, it suprised Baekhyun to see Baekhee as his neighbour, why would a rich girl lives here? Baekhyun decided to just ignore it and about to go into his room but then he saw Baekhee struggling with the key, so Baekhyun decided to help her.

Baekhee looked shock at first, because no one have to know that she lives here, Baekhyun noticed the shock on Baekhee's face and just muttered 'i will not tell anyone'

After the incident, both of them are still quite with each other, but Baekhyun had been helping her lately, if Baekhee came home with groceries Baekhyun will offered help and carried it for her until she's done with opening the key.

But both of them still refused to talk.

Will they be able to talk? someday?


〈 f i n a l movement 〉


what is your position in the orchestra?: Fluist 

why did you want to join?: Actually.. because my cousin kind of.. pull me here

your performance is tomorrow! what will you do?: i will stay up late to practice and makes it perfect. 


〈 e n c o r e 〉


questions/comments?: Daehyun is not dead. And her father makes her leave just because he didn't want Daehyun to be into music. Yeah.. and i love this story! i always wanted to be a fluist but my mother told me to focused on guitar first so.. yeah. I hope you can make my dreams comes true! :) AND I'M SORRY FOR USING BAEK SU MIN, IT's JUST I REALLY LIKE HER AND I THINK SHE MATCHES THE IMAGE OF A 'SWAN' SO..

scene suggestions?: 

- When Daehyun meet Baekhee after a few years of seperate.

- When Baekhyun being all protective over her

- When Baekhee cried and Baekhyun comforted her

password: she'smyblackpearl~ ❤

〈 orchestra hall 〉

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