Summer Bich Party Application


Full name: Kim Sunye

Nickname: Soony

Age: 18

Date of Birth: February 21, 1992

Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Ethnicity and Religion: Korean and Chinese  ;  Christian

Group Position:

1) Main Dancer

2) Sub Dancer

3) Sub Vocalist


Attitude/Personality:  Sunye is a girl that gives off a mysterious and cold aura.  Her mysteriousness makes people want to get to know her more.  But the thing is, she would not open up to other people, unless she knows them well enough.  It takes her a while to fully trust someone.  She knows that not everyone in this world can be trusted.  Towards others, she's this cold and mysterious person.  But, when she's with her friends or close ones, she's a totally different person.  She becomes this outgoing person with a laid back personality and with a great/unique sense of humor that can make anyone smile and laugh.  

       Because of her past, she's this self-motivated person that never gives up.  She's not afraid to work hard.  Some people think of her as a perfectionist because she does things repeatedly until she gets it right.  For example, if she's struggling with a dance move and she doesn't think that she's doing it right, she will keep practicing over and over again, until she gets it right.  She's also not afraid to be different than others.  She's a very loyal and caring person.  Her friends are the world to her.  She does whatever she can to protect and defend them.  

      She likes music, especially instrumentals or piano versions.  She also likes reading, taking selcas, photography, traveling, beaches, amusement parks, everything strawberry or vanilla flavored, swimming, ballet dancing, and animals.  She hates cheese, she hates it with the sickest passion.  Not only does it smell bad but it also gives her stomach aches.  She also hates abuse, smokers, erts, thunder, food that are way too sweet or oily, and judgmental people.  

     Her favorite color is the color blue because it's the color of the water in a swimming pool.  It may be a simple and plain color, but to her, its a very pretty color.  


Skills other than singing/dancing: Swimming and Ballet

Company: Woollim Entertainment, LOEN Entertainment, Starship Entertainment, DSP Media

Past Experience:  She was born in a very high-classed family and her parents were owners of a fashion company.  Her parents wanted to pass down the business to Sunye, so they never approved of her dream to become an idol.  No matter how much her parents didn't like it, she still decided to follow her dream.  She knew she wanted to become an idol and she knew that she can't give up.  She auditioned once but didn't get in.  A while after, she decided to audition again and she finally got accepted.  Her parents were indeed mad at her but a little while after, they decided to let her continue to follow her dream.

    Who knew becoming a trainee was so hard.  She never had enough time to sleep or rest.  Some people even criticized her.  She continued doing what she had to do and greatly improved.  She was a trainee for a total of 2 years.  


The Korean band or artist you teamed up with for your debut:  Woollim's Infinite ; LOEN's Sunny Hill  ;  Starship's Sistar ; DSP's Kara or Rainbow

How YOU want your debut to be: I'm not really sure. >< I'm sorry. D; Please help me with this. ^^ <3

Appearance: ( Lee Dasom )






Mask for debut:

















Name (Idol/OC): Choi Minho ; SM Entertainment ; SHINee

Age: 19

Date of Birth: September 23, 1991

How you met/How you fell for him:  

When Sunye was auditionining for the first time, she was auditioning for SM.  On the way to the SM building, she bumped into Minho, who was also looking for the building.  They bowed and apologized to each other and decided to look for the building, together.  It took them a while to find it, but they made it on time.  They both auditioned and fortunately for Minho, he got accepted.  Unfortunatley for Sunye, she didn't make it to the finals. Sunye got pretty disappointed, but Minho encouraged her.  Ever since that day, they never saw each other again.  

It was fate that they met again during Trainee days.  She was asked to go to the SM building to do a Nana B commercial with SHINee. During one of the scenes, Minho had to kiss her cheek because it was part of the skit and that's when she started to like him.  It was the first time a guy kissed her on the cheek.  They became friends since then and although they were in different companies, they still keep in touch.

How he treats you:  He's known as the flaming charisma but that's only cause of his charismatic looks.  His personality is totally different.  He's a dork.  He has a great and awesome personality and is the sweetest guy ever.  He treats Sunye really well and if someone hurts her, he gets extremely protective and will protect her, no matter what.  If he sees a lot of guy chingus around her, he goes to her and pulls her away.  He also likes teasing Sunye and likes to bother her, a lot. xD  He trusts Sunye and tells her everything because he knows that he can trust her.  They are also pretty close to each other and you often see them together, a lot.  Although they like each other, they won't admit their feelings and claim that they both are best friends, only.  

About:  Choi Minho is from SHINee and is the 2nd youngest.  He is a dork that has a great sense of humor and can be crazy at times. xD.  He is also very caring and nice.  He also uses his pokerface a lot.  There was this one time in a variety show where the guy asked a weird and erted question, instead of answering, he used his pokerface.  He can be stubborn and is very competitive and is also in love with sports.  He likes to force the rest of SHINee to go excersise with him in the mornings.        

Appearance: RING DING DONG ERA :3





Family member info:

{ B&F+ stands for Beauty and Fashion+ }

Lee Mike ; Father ; Owner of B&F+ ; 51 ; Chinese ; A very wise person that does thinks thoroughly before doing or saying.  He is very stubborn and often doesn't like to change his mind when he has already made up his mind.  Other than that, he is a good father and wants the best for his daughter.  

Kim Sohee ; Mom ; Also Owner of B&F+ ; 46 ; Korean ;  Is a very strong and powerful woman and is also a workaholic.  



Fanclub name: Memories

Fanclub color: Gold

Your fanclub name: SunKisses

Your fanclub color: Peach


How you want the ending to be?  The group's fame had skyrocketed and did really well but due to company issues, they had to disband.


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