Scared 0.0



I live in an apartment and my downstairs neighbors disappeared! I mean one minute its this lady with 5 kids and the next its these two guys. At first I think "Oh when did they move out?" But when I asked the guys if they just moved in, they said they've been there for months! I'm scared guys! What if those guys are bad people and they did something to the lady and her kids?!?!?! Am I just being paranoid?? 


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well. that's creepy, -- O.o and i'm reading this at 04:44am ---- yay me! now i'm gonna be all paranoid. and wow disappeared`? Freaky -.-
idont think you are omg that is creepy as hell... do you live alone? if so, make sure to never be alone!!! dude i wouldnt report it without legitimate evidence but that's so scary ;~;