Friend Zone

Yes guys, it's the dreaded FRIEND ZONE.

No one wants to be in this zone if it's about the guy(or girl) you like. Yet somehow, I always end up here!

I like a guy, but they always think of me as a "friend".


Here's some advice to everyone.

1) Never give advice to the person you like. They will end up coming to you for all their problems RESULTING IN THE "JUST FRIENDS" RESPONSE.

2) If you are asked on advice about girls, they already see you as "Just a friend".

3) Stay away from hanging out with him and his guy friends. They will just end up taking note of you as a man.

4) All in all, just stay away from the "problems talk".


I'm sick and tired of the words, "I just think of you as a friend."

It's been going on way too many times that I've just given up trying. I'll let love find it's way to me instead.

For now, I'll just keep thinking....





I should write a story on this, since I seem to be such an EXPERT....... Ok, that just made me seem like a big loser. XD


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helpingfriends #1
you should write one.. ill be subscribing for sure.. ~morge0920411
thanks for the advice, even though I'm not a girl lol It's okay, you will find a guy who's right for you at the end. Don't give up ><
OMFG i have been there ALOT of times :(
elisha960809 #4
elisha960809 #5
HAHAxD you're funny. but yeah, i know how you feel! and those are great advices! you SHOULD write a story on it. hehe, it would be 'inspired by a true story' haha! not laughin AT you, im just laughing because......i don't even know why!^^