Fairy Tales application

Fairy Tales

Little Mermaid


Alana  Choi



❦ Your Character

Name: Alana Choi

Age: 19 | Birthdate: 4th February | 1994

Height | Weight: 168 | 48kg

Key Traits: Naive, Innocent, Kind, Cheerful

Personality: Alana is the cherised youngest daughter of her family, She'd been protected from all bad things and kept away from the outside world so she could remain pure and innocent. Despite being innocent, she is still smart and knowledgeable about the outside world, apart from the really bad things. 

Even she never really left the protection of her family, she's still cheerful and enjoys making new friends whenever she gets the chance. 

She hates it injustice and whenever someone is mistreated, sad or hurt she will try her best to help them. 

Likes: Making friends, Singing, Listening to music, Looking the outside/surface world, 

Dislikes: Rude people, Mean people, People disturbing her when she's doing something

Habits: Zoning out and drifting off into her own world, can be too hyper sometimes

Hobbies: Singing, Drawing

Trivia: She's terrified of blood, as soon as she sees it she feels like fainting. 


❦ Your Face

Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

Pictures: 1 2 3 4

Back-up Ulzzang: Jo So Yeon

Pictures: 1 2 3 4


❦ Your Love Interest


Love Interest: Lee Sandeul

Age: 21 | Birthdate: 20th March | 1992

Occupation: Singer

Personality: Always smiling, daydreamer, loves singing more than anything, optimistic, caring

Back-up Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun


❦ Question

Ending: Happy :) It can be a sad one too but either way I think they should both like each other at the end ^^


❦ Last Goodbye

Comments: This sounds really interesting! I'm curious as to how it will turn out :)


Scene Requests: Kiss scene *_*



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Thanks for applying =)

Overall, she's a very sweet girl, but I noticed that she's really light for her height. Don't worry, I won't ask you to change it or anything, because I don't think that really matters =)

Aww Sandeul!! He's so cute, isnt he? xD
Oh, just to tell you, this is set in the past in a sort of medieval-like age, so being a singer is a bit different than how it is now. He can still be a singer, but it won't be the kind of idol singers like today.

Yes, of course you can get a happy ending. And a kiss scene O.o Haha that's totally fine too. I think those are quite cute =)

You kept the personality quite short, but don't worry! You gave a lot of personality traits, so I kind of get the character ^^

Oh, and you didn't subscribe. But that's fine, because I actually don't really care about the whole subscibing thing...Don't even know why I put that as a rule. I guess because everyone does it? XD

There's nothing that I think needs to be changed at the moment, so all's good for now =)