☯ Seo Eunkyung↬Pig

Seo EunKyung
name  Seo Eunkyung
nickname(s)  Kyungie (friends and mentor), Piggy (mentor-if Baekhyun), Little Chick (mentor-if Luhan)
gender  Female
date of birth  10/08
age  19
height/weight  168cm/53kg
home town  Busan 
ethnicity  Half Korean-Chinese
language(s)  Chinese (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (basic)
visual  Kim Seuk Hye
links  Gallery 
back-up visual  Park Ji Hyun
links  Gallery
description  Eun Kyung seriously doesn't care for fashion. Usually before going out, she just puts jeans and a hoodie and goes off in her almost worn out trainers. It may be a result of her low-self esteem, her poor background or pure laziness but unless it's a special occasion, she won't dress up; which always makes the occasion even more special. When she does dress up, she wears skirts and girly things but she doesn't wear bright colours often, usually soft, toned down colours to blend into the background. Her choice of fashion doesn't really suit her personality. (eg.) 
She has a piercing on each lobe but is too lazy to put earrings in, instead she just puts them in once a month to stop the hole from disappearing. She has a scar on her shoulder blade from when she was younger and when she crashed into a vase. 
persona  The Secretive Girl
key traits  Always has a smile stuck to her face, Pessimistic, Doesn't trust easily, Has a poker face, Doesn't have a high confidence level like everyone thinks she does
in-depth personality  At first glance, you'll see Eunkyung with a smile on her face. She's always smiling and acting like the fresh, sweet girl everyone thinks she is. But she's not. Despite the beautiful smile, which is kind of her charm, she smiles and laughs even when she's badly hurt! It's almost a habit. 
Deep down inside, she's falling apart and she is hurting. Inside her head, she thinks of cynical things and she can't trust easily, always thinking of the downside to things before considering the positive. She's a deep thinker who often depresses herself by over-thinking. 
Though she may have a poker face, hiding her deep and scarred emotions with a mask of a beautiful, smiling girl, she is still independent. She does everything by herself and prefers to do things by herself, which is what some of her friends admire about her. But the only downside to her independence is that she doesn't trust very easily and is always cautious of the people around her. 
Despite her below normal self esteem, whenever there is a challenge in front of her, she'll give her best trying to overcome it and succeed. She tries her best at defeating hardships with a smile on her face so she can feel better about herself. Eunkyung only smiles through everything, even sadness and pain, because she doesn't want to burden anyone, especially since she had a sad past and has a family to look after by herself. 
  • trivia 
  • She likes making people smile, so she can feel better about herself. 
  • She hates injustice. 
  • She likes blowing bubbles. 
  • She likes reading by herself.
  • She's terrified of blood because of a childhood trauma when she crashed into a vase and lost lots of blood. 
  • She doesn't like blowing up balloons, because she's scared they'll pop in front of her face. 
  • She abuses her lips (chewing, biting etc) every second of the day, especially when she's in her 'thinking mode'.
  • Eunkyung hasn't cried in ages.
  • She doesn't get sick easily
  • She easily gets pissed when it's something about her family
  • She hates it when people don't treat their family well
  • She doesn't really apologize or thank people because she does everything by herself and has no one to thank for anything
  • She hates being indebted to people.
  • Her name means Seo (Dignified) Eun (Grace) Kyung (Respect/Honor) so she tries hard to bring pride to herself and her brother. She wants her life to have a purpose.
background ↬ Eunkyung used to dream about love and living a brilliant, blessed life when she was younger, but that all went down the drain. When she was younger she was born and had grown up in China. Ever since she was little, she spent every night listening to her parents fighting and woke up in the morning to a silent house because they'd always be out at work. She was used to all the fighting but became skeptical on the idea of love. When her mother gave birth to her brother, In Ho, the fighting only got worse. They finally got a divorce when she was 14, she carried on living with her mother while her father was off with some other woman, leaving them with nothing but debts and poverty. Everyday, her mother would wake-up, go to work, then go straight to her room, she was almost like a ghost and she didn't talk as much. EunKyung didn't want In Ho to grow up like she did; to a broken family. So she tried hard to make the family work. She was more like the mother: cooking, laundry, working. Despite having a pessimistic mindset, she went everyday with a smile on her face for In Ho.
She had always been a good student, despite her family life. She engrossed herself into learning and books so maybe one day she could get a good job and protect her family. She especially loved reading fantasy stories, even though she knew they were merely made up and would never happen. Despite not believing in miracles and fantasies, she read books about them anyways, trying to keep the last bit of hope she had. 
lifestyle ↬After graduating high school, she got a scholarship offer for Seoul university and she started renting a really small apartment in Seoul from all the money she saved up by working. She took her brother with him so he could have a better education, while her mother started living in Eunkyung's grandmother's house. 
Since she started living in Seoul, she decided to start doing lots of part time jobs to pay for her brothers tuition money. He was now 11 and she was worried he'd start getting scarred by the past like she did since he was so young, so she smiled more often to comfort him. Everyday, after university she would rush to her part time job which then ended at 6 and then go to another with ends at 8 and her last one which finishes at 10 before going back home. Her brother worries she's overworking herself, but to her she feels like it's something she must do for the sake of them both. She believes that if she tries hard to heal her wounds and carry on; everything will be alright in the end and all the suffering will end. She doesn't get her hopes up like 'someday my prince will come' or 'I'll be rich and famous'. She believes she'll be able to live comfortably and forget everything that happens in the past; she'd choose that over riches, fame and love any day. 
family ↬ 
relation  Seo In Ho | 11 | student | sweet, always smiling, doesn't think about the past, optimistic | Eunkyung is a really caring sister, who worries a lot over In Ho. He sometimes feels apologetic because she's doing so much for him and he can't do anything back. This makes him want to work hard so he repay Eunkyung when he's older. Unlike her, he didn't face as much in the past because Eunkyung took all the abuse for herself so they wouldn't hurt him so he is not so much scarred by the events then as her, which is why his smiles and cheerful sttitude are much more genuine. Eunkyung especially gets protective over him because she knows he's made fun off for not having parents at school. 
friends ↬ 
friend  Jo Hye Ri | 19 | uni student | caring, sweet, bubbly, confident, drop-dead gorgeous | She's one of Eunkyung's closest friends. Hye Ri tries to get her to open up more and to trust her, but even though they're close friends Eunkyung can't get herself to rely on her for support, although she does trust her, she won't tell her anything about her past. 
rivals/enemies ↬ 
enimies ↬ Kwon Ji Ae | 20 | uni student | y, rude, self-centered, selfish, thinks she's the best | She's a rich brat who is jealous of how well Eunkyung is doing in school and she knows about her past because she lived in China for 2 years and she heard about her story. She threatens to Eunkyung that she'll tell everyone about her past if she doesn't do what she says. Eunkyung doesn't want her to tell everyone because she's scared it might affect In Ho.| Eunkyung tries to ignore all her mean comments, but Ji Ae is persistent and is always insulting her and making her angry.
zodiac ↬ Baekhyun
animal  Pig
talisman/tattoo  On his waist and he just sticks his talisman in his pocket sometimes, but it's meant to be a bracelet.
personality  Baekhyun is short tempered and a narcisst. He cares a lot about he looks and what other people think about him, because he loves hearing that he's handsome; it's something he's heard ever since he was little. He's quite the player and loves having people who adore him surrounding him. He's also quite erted. But when it comes to using his power and his duties, he's quite serious and gives off a strong aura of importance. 
relationship  At first, he'll teach Eunkyung one little thing, then leave it to her to figure out the rest, but she asks him to leave her since she prefers being alone. He'll sit back and watch her, without her knowing, as she gives it her all. He thinks of mentoring her as more of a challenge, how much longer she could handle it. It amuses him how she is so hard working and he gets surprised when she actually asks for his help! But he gets confused as to why she isn't getting affected by his 'handsomeness' and falling head over heels in love with him, so being the ert he is, he enjoys teasing her and seeing her reactions. He also wonders why she smiles all the time, even when she hurts herself.
first meeting  Baekhyun sneaks away to watch a play at Seoul University and he sits next to Eunkyung. Next to him, she's laughing like crazy and fully engrossing herself with the play and Baekhyun finds her slightly weird. After the play, he's sitting in a restaurant and she serves him, he recognizes her but she doesn't. She carries on smiling, even after she accidently drops her tray. In the evening at 10 O'clock, he sees she's running to a small, run down house. He sees her with her brother, In Ho. She's smiling again and telling him to go inside. In Ho has a black eye from the bullies, after he goes in she starts sighing, no longer smiling. And he sees a single tear roll down her cheek but she wipes it away when In Ho comes back outside, she instantly smiles when seeing him and he drags her inside.
back-up zodiac ↬ Luhan
back-up animal  Rooster
back-up talisman/tattoo  He wears his talisman around his neck and has the tattoo on his upper arm.
back-up personality  Luhan's sweet and gentlemanly when he wants to be or when he's worried Eunkyung will die of exhaustion from all the work she has to do. He seriously loves playing and messing around. Usually, he'll start to get hyper and stop doing his work to just start levitating everywhere and pretend he's superman. But there are those rare times when he becomes serious when he's touched or worried.
back-up relationship  Instead of teaching Eunkyung anything, Luhan prefers to just play with her, but it's his 'secret way of teaching'. As they mess about with their powers, he's getting her to experiment with what her powers can do so she can comfortably learn about her powers. He enjoys watching her work hard while at the same time he's teaching her and playing with her at the same time! 
back-up first meeting  Exactly the same as the other one. Luhan sneaks away to watch a play at Seoul University and he sits next to Eunkyung. Next to him, she's laughing like crazy and fully engrossing herself with the play and Baekhyun finds her slightly weird. After the play, he's sitting in a restaurant and she serves him, he recognizes her but she doesn't. She carries on smiling, even after she accidently drops her tray. In the evening at 10 O'clock, he sees she's running to a small, run down house. He sees her with her brother, In Ho. She's smiling again and telling him to go inside. In Ho has a black eye from the bullies, after he goes in she starts sighing, no longer smiling. And he sees a single tear roll down her cheek but she wipes it away when In Ho comes back outside, she instantly smiles when seeing him and he drags her inside.
tattoo  The zodiac tattoo is down the side of her right hand (for rooster and pig). If Eunkyung's the pig animal, she'll have the talisman as a necklace. If Eunkyung's a rooster, she'll have it on her middle finger as a ring.
in character
Why do you think you were chosen as the next Zodiac?  Because he wanted someone to tease and mess around with? Or maybe I was just the first person he saw? Haha, OK... Maybe it's because he saw me and thought...that he wanted to know why I acted the way I do? Or maybe he felt sorry for me...
How do you feel being a successor of a Zodiac?  ...Special? He could have chosen anyone on Earth to do it -which is maybe why he chose me- and I guess...I feel happy that I'm singled out. I've always wanted a purpose for my life other than looking after In Ho...I guess I've found it.
How do you feel about your Zodiac mentor? ↬ Baekhyun- erted. Annoying. Short-tempered...he's really heard to work with so I just told him I'd work by myself, and he just sits there and watches me...that's even worse! And if I ever ask for help, he always looks so surprised; it's his job, why is he being surprised?
Luhan- He's so sweet and nice! But...I'm not so sure about his teaching method. It's more like we're playing together than learning. 
What is the Animal like to you?   Pig- Ah, seriously...It's really hard to master his power, especially when he tries to get deep into my sub-conciousness...it's almost scary...I wonder how Baekhyun even managed to master his power. But he says that my hard work will pay off eventually...as long as Baekhyun and I communicate and co-operate properly...
Rooster- I'm having a lot of fun 'learning' kekekeke. Because of Luhan's teaching method, I'm not confident if I'm even doing it right, but the rooster assures me I'm doing well. He says he lies how hard I work. 
What will you do with the powers once you are an actual Zodiac?  I haven't really thought about it...what can I do? I guess, I would want everyone to be treated equally and no one to be traumatized or hurt? I'd especially look after my brother. 
Would you sacrifice yourself for the balance of the world?  Well...as a Zodiac, it would be my duty, wouldn't it? Truthfully, right now I'm not so keen on the idea of death...but as I get more confident as a Zodiac, my answer would probably be yes. 
out of character
username  Skatpree
preferred name ↬ Skatpree/Eunkyung
activity level ↬ 10
password one more thing!
question/comments/concerns ↬ Hi! The story sounds really good so far! I'm looking forward to it! ^^ BTW I seriously AM 10 in activity levels, I'm online everyday, especially on holidays >.<
scene requests ↬ 
With Beakhyun:
  • Baekhyun is just watching her from far away and she gets hurt really badly, but instead she starts laughing, even though it hurts, and Baekhyun's all WTF


  • Conversation: "You're doing it wrong!", "Teach me then, instead of just sitting there!", "But you always tell me to go away!", "Yeah, well now I'm telling you to teach me!", "You're so disrespectful,", "Oh, I'm sorry, great and mighty PIG!" Baekhyun gets annoyed and shows her how to do it. She's amazed by his power and she can't keep closed. He finished. "You're turn, piggy."

With Luhan:


  • "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" Luhan's going crazy because he's hyper and Eunkyung tries to calm him down. "L-Luhan-", "BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH" Luhan starts levitation and flying everywhere and he makes a nearby cat start dancing with him. "Hello, Mr. Rabbit, dance with me!", "That's not a rabbit....", "Dance with us, my little chick!" 



  • Eunkyung starts crying because her brother is in hospital. He was beaten up again. Baekhyun/Luhan see that even though she's always smiling, she's really vulnerable on the inside too. Then they hug her and comfort her. 


  • Kiss scene, please Author-nim *_*




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