♛ the new age ↷ Baek, Haneul

the new age  Baek, Haneul
The Loner
Tami| 10 | Tamikq1234


tell me about yourself  ↷ 

{ birth name: Baek Haneul ; Skylar Baek
{ aliases/nicknames: Neul (Null)

{ height: 164
{ weight: 51
{ blood type: B
{ age + birthday: 18 + 08/09/1995
{ birth place: Los Angelos, California
{ ethnicity: Korean
{ languages: English & Korean

you look like a tasty snack  ↷ 

{ ulzzang name: Jang Chom Mi
{ backup ulzzang name: Kwon Su Jeong
{ dress style: 
Hanuel usually dressed in skinny jeans, plain white tee and a pair of sneaker. Simply is what she most comfortable with but sometimes she'll dress up a bit. She like it when she can move in her clothes easily without any kind of hassle. She the type of girl who like to style her hair and that is pretty much it to her stylish life.

casual: x xsleeping: x xfield: x x | dressy: x x

your actions speak  ↷    

{ personality: 
"Ms. Smarty-Pants" Growing up with a genetic scientist for a mother and a CIA agent for a father had make Haneul's view a bit different from others. Her schoolmates tend to bully her and tease because everything she say doesn't make any sense to them, it wasn't her fault that her stupidity level wasn't as low as them. She always have been a child prodigy when its come to anything science related thanks to her mother. 

"Beat it Punk!" Being the only child and being a girl, her father had her signed up for self-defenses class for her own safety. Over the years she grew up to be a good fighter which tends to be the problem when she have fights in school. Kids kept themselves as far as possible away from her for their own safety and never picked on her fear t be on her wrong side. 

"Me, Myself and I." Though she grew up with much love from her parents, she still feel empty inside because they were always so busy at work and rarely spend time at home. This caused her to isolated herself from others because she was so used of being by herself that it's awkward to sociate with others. So when people who wants to befriend her she would drive them away. 

{ previous job:
She was a student. Her parents didn't want her to work because they thought it was to dangerous for her to be out the house. 

{ likes: 
1) Science; as a little girl Haneul have always been interested in science.
2) Movies; Zombie ones in particular like resident evils series, JJANG!!!!!!
3) Stuffed animals; because they're cute and soft.
4) Weapons; she likes to practice it and improve her skills. 
5) Dancing; because of ballet class, it helped her flexibility so it made thing a bit easier for her. 

{ dislikes: 
1) Hosiptal; she hates the smell of medicines and throughout her childhood get treatments wasn't the best.
2) Needles; because of her disease she had to constantly go to the doctor to get treatments that including some IV and blood tests. 
3) Blood; she hates the smell and the fact that she can blood endlessly scares her.
4) Killing; due to apocalyspe she have no idea how many dead people have to be killed again by her.
5) Bossed; She being bossed around like some kind of servant so be careful around her.

{ fears: 
1) Being alone; though she isolate herself from others, she still feels at ease even when poeple are around her.
2) Her parents; Facing her parents at some point.

{ habits: 
1) She tend to bite her nails when she gets nervous.
2) Can sleep unless she have her blanket that she have since she was a kid, she never really grew out of it. -_-"
3) Saying goodnight to everyone before going to sleep.

{ health issues: 
1) She have a rare case of Hemophilia, where only men have this disease and women are the carriers. 

you're either useful or worthless  ↷ 

{ weapon:
She uses the gun that belonged to her father before her died. He taught her how to used guns while she was growing up so she can handle them well.
{ fighting style:
Haneul is the type to plan out everything and always have back-up plans if one fails. She also tend to aim for the smallest group of infected humans rather a bunch.
{ strengths: 
1) Quick-minded; Haneul had always been a smart child. She knows how to get herself out of sticky situation when needed and quick. If her plan or the leader's plan failed she can plan another in a mere a second. 
2) Photogentic; Haneul have very good memories. She partically acts as a GPS and knows her ways like the back of her hands. 
3) Sharp Ears; Haneul have good hearing sense and is able to hear things from a pretty far distant. 
{ weaknesses: 
1) Darkness; She can't see well in the dark and always have to bring around a match and flashlight. 
2) Injuries; If she was to every have an open wound she won't be able to stop it unless she is treated by a doctor  or drink her medicine.
3) Parents; She lost both of her parents in the apocalyspe and she feared that she'll be facing them at some put and having to kill them.
{ extra skills: 
1) Because her parents both work for the government she is able to crack into the system.
2) Her mother was put into the project that caused the virus to spread.
3) She once overheard her mom talking to a co-worker about the tested that they made and how the reaction was unexplainable. Her mom jokily said that the rat that was tested acted like zombie. Haneul took the joke seriously and did her own research. In a sense she kinda did expected the apocalspe to happen.
4) Her house is filled with weapons. From the drawers in the kitchen to every room, including the guest room, is filled with guns, bullets, granades, and more.

blood runs deep  ↷ 

{ family: 

  • Baek Seungwoo; Ryan Baek | Father | 8 | Brave, Protective, Determine, Caring | Dead; Mutated | Haneul had witnessed her father dying in front of her because he risked his life saving her. He left the gun that he always carrier around and hand it to her before he passed. Though he might not always have been there for her, he truly love and cares alot for his baby-girl.
  • Oh Hana ; Rose Oh | Mother | 5 | Workaholic, Strict, Uptight, Protective | Unknown | Hana was never seen after the break-out and she was one of the few who know about the cure. Her and her husband had spilt ways looking for Haneul. Though she might seem like a workaholic she was only trying to find a cure for her daugther's Hemophilia disease. She love Haneul with all her and regret that she never had a chance to show it. 

{ friends:

  • Hwang Miyoung; Tiffany Hwang | Childhood/Best-friend | 9 | Care-free, Good listner, Caring, Protective | Dead | Tiffany was the only one who knew and understood Haneul inside and out. She was never one to complain when Haneul is on her ranting spree. Tiffany sees Haneul as her very own sister and never let anything happen to her. 

{ love interest: 

  • Kim Jongin; Kai | 24 | Bossy, Strong, Blunt, Loyal | Bodyguard | Jongin specialties is his speed and great stimina so he can help the others when he done on his side. He work well with many different weapons and his fighting skill is never one to be judged. He knows how to jump start cars so maybe theres a possible chance that we're gonna need cars and need a hi-jacker as well. He knows a few things thats going in HQ that deals with all this problems.

{ their relationship: 
Jongin knew Haneul's father and promised to look after her if anything was to happen to her father. Now her she is stuck with this guy as her own personal bodyguard. It annoyed her how he wouldn't let her do things that were to risky, "for god sake it the apocalyspe!" she would say. Yet she appraciate what he have done for her and how he had kept that promise because with him she would proably be very lonely. Though she is annoyed by his protectiveness she also adores him because he remind her alot of her father, just the younger version of him. They usually have to argue when during the day when the group is moving along to find any surviors and any kind of information they could find. 

{ back up love interest: 

  • Park Chanyeol | 24 | Weird, Funny, Smart, Lively | Computure Tech & Mechanic | Chanyeol is a guy who is very good with thing like fixing things. He cna be our ultimate tech guy since his recent job was fixing computure and he hobbie is to playing around with it. He was also a mechanic and cna help hi-jack a few car when needed.

{ their relationship:
Chanyeol and Haneul is known to be the weirdo, a geek tech guy and a violent loner. Things are awkward between and it hard for them to talk a mere 'hello' to each other. Yet they are bout very smart and tend to work together to try an hack in the systems that they came along. Since the leader decided that she should this guy how to use a guy they had to spend together. Surprisingly they get on fine and had no problem being with each other what so ever.

self reflecting ↷ 


I kind of did expect this whole thing to happen and I prepared myself well. I tried to inform my mom to re-check the solution of the test but she waved away my idea like some kind of fly. 


I trust my team-mates like how they trust me. Even though I might not get along with others before I have to bring out of my shell since it a matter of life and death tight now. I'm not using anyone for anything but I do hope that on the way to where ever we're going I can find my mom.



My goal is to find my mom who know about the cure. Even if I can't find her I need to find the labortory where all this is started. Oh where did mommy said it was at?! Also I want to find more surviors and help them, at this point and time there is no more such thing as "every man for their own."


In all honesty I would mind dying before I can find any kind of information about my mom's existance but then again if I was to die because I'm saving the others I wouldn't mind much. Yet if I was to die that way would I have to come to life and become the enemy instead? Or should hug a few bomb and save them? hmmm.... 



Hope everything is okay, please let me know if I need to fix anything. My english grammer so I hope you don't mind the errors. TT-TT

scene requests: 
- Haneul came face to face with what she had feared the most, her father. Now as a zombie and her destiny is to kill him but how can she? Just when the he was coming near, BANG! But it wasn't who shoots, it was Jongin.
- Haneul found her mother safe and sound. They all traveling to HQ for informations and the cure. Maybe her mom dies when they get there because there was a few zombie lurking around without them noticing and she have no choice but to shoot before her mother transforms. Dramatic? I know. 
can i kill your character off possibly:
sure....please make it a peaceful one. 




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