Application- Aurora Ice


Aurora Ice

Aurora Ice

Aurora Ice



❄{ Seo Eun Kyung }❄ 




Username : Skatpree

Activeness : 10 lol ^^

Nickname : Kyungie, 

Did you read the cheat sheet? : yes

Want to co-author? : maybe

If yes, why? : Ideas and fantasies because I fantasize a lot about how life would be as an idol star lol






Name : Shizuharu Keiko

Other Name : Emma Seo (English), Seo Eun Kyung (korean)

Nicknames : Eunnie, Kyungie

Date of Birth  Age :  08.10.1996  17 

Birthplace  Hometown : Tokyo  Japan

Where do you live now? :  Seoul

Blood Type : AB

Height ❄ Weight : 168cm ❄ 50kg

Nationality : Half Japanese- Half Korean

Languages : Japanese-fluent, Korean-fluent, English-fluent, Chinese-basic






Ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye

Links :    ❄ ❄ ❄ 

Backup Ulzzang : Jung Roo

Links :    ❄ 

Style :    ❄ 

Cute style. Eun Kyung doesn't really care about fashion when she's at home or in the dorm. But when she dresses up properly, she dresses really well and in bright colour, but it depends on her mood. 






Family :

 Mother || Shizuharu Yukki || 32 || House Wife || Funny, Caring || Supportive || Alive

 Father || Shizuharu Kaito || 40 || Buissness Man || Cold, Tries hard to be a good father || Unsupportive of her dreams || Alive


Background :

When Eun Kyung was 2, she moved away from Japan to England for a better education. In England, she was bullied because she was overweight as a child, that lowered her self esteem a lot and she became a quiet child. She never told her parents because she didn't want to burden them with her problems and kept it to herself. Her only escape from the cruel word was music. She learnt to play the flute and piano, but she loved singing in the school choir the best. They'd sing religious songs, which she didn't mind unlike everyone else who wanted to sing pop songs; she was happy with just singing, regardless of the genre. She didn't have many friends and she was a quiet, shy child with low self confidence so she never shared with anyone her musical talent. Her self-esteem was so low, she couldn't hold eye contact when talking to someone for more than 10 seconds and she couldn't even walk by herself without feeling as if everyone was looking and judging her. Apart from one guy friend who treated her well. He was her first love and the only person she could share eye contact with properly. 

When she was 14 she moved back to Korea and was more welcomed. She lost weight and was slowly regaining her confidence. She made more friends. One day, she was walking to school and she got scouted by a SM person and asked to come to the next audition. She was skeptical if she could do it, since her confidence was still pretty bad, but she decided to give it a shot since she believed everything happens for a reason and because she loves singing and music more than anything else on earth. She auditioned secretly without her parents knowledge because they never approved of her music, and when she got into SM, she had to convince her parents to let her train and went back and forth during her trainee days by herself even at night, without her parents driving her because she wanted to prove she could do it. 

Because she wanted a fresh start in Korea, she made her stage name Seo (dignified) Eun (grace) Kyung (pride/respect) because her name Keiko meant 'respectful child' and she wanted to make her parents proud of her, even if they didn't fully support her.





Personality :

Eun Kyung becomes a goofy, fun and the most loud and spontaneous person around people she's comfortable with, but switches back to her shy and quiet self when when she isn't comfortable with the people around her.. She follows her whims and gets the sudden urge to do the most random things ever.

Ever since she was bullied when she was younger (and when she was a trainee) she's worn her heart on her sleeve and was always sensitive to what other people thought of her, even though he knew she shouldn't care. She's always smiling, even when she's upset or in pain, she doesn't want to burden anyone so she smiles through it with her bright, beautiful smile which always has a tiny bit of sadness in it.  She's always been a deep thinker and often gets swept up in her emotions and thoughts a lot. Though she's more confident now, she still thinks of the past and all the scars it caused. Also, she's slightly cynical and skeptical, and often ends up depressing herself after a long thinking session, which is why she tries to busy herself with other things. Though she's has those cynical thoughts, she still likes to believe in the concept of fate and meting your destined person like the hopeless romantic she is. 


Flaws : Scared of blood, short temper, insecure

Likes : 

❄ Blowing bubbles

❄ Singing

❄ Playing in the rain

❄ Badminton

❄ Reading romance books

❄ Fairy tales

❄ Surfing the web

Dislikes : 

❄ Vegetables

❄ Dieting

❄ Hard dance routines

❄ Sea food

❄ Being disturbed when doing something

❄ Jealousy

Hates : 

❄ Snobby girls

❄ Running

❄ Not being able to sleep

❄ Jerks

❄ False Hope

Hobbies : 

❄ Taking photos

❄ Horse riding

❄ Playing guitar and piano

❄ Learning new languages

Habits : 

❄ Abuses her lips (peeling, biting, , chewing etc.)

❄ Day dreaming and zoning out

❄ Forgetting her image and becomes goofy and does stupid things

❄ Blunt way of speaking

❄ Thinks too much and gets herself depressed

❄ Always puts her earphones in as soon as she touches her phone

❄ Immediately puts her seatbelt on as soon as she sits down in the car

Fears : 

❄ Blood- when she was younger she crashed into a china vase and had a scar on her shoulder, there was lots of blood and she now she can't even look at blood without feeling sick

❄ Making a mistake on stage- it would lower her confidence and be embarrassed

Trivia : 

❄ Ties her hair up a lot

❄ Loves disney

❄ Secretly believes in fairies

❄ Doesn't like blowing up balloons incase they pop in front of her face

❄ Was the student council president in middle school and her first love was her vice-president

❄ A huge K-pop fan

❄ Superstitious

❄ Knows how to do tarot cards

❄ Loves the number 5

❄ Loves the colour red





Best Friends :

❄ Bomi || 20 || Member of APINK || Music Core || Sweet, mischievous and laughs a lot || Goofy and can tell each other anything.|| 9


Friends : 

❄ Na Eun || 19 || Member of APINK || Through Bomi || Sweet, funny, cute || Joke around together but slightly holding back || 5

❄ Gongchan || 21 || Member of B1A4 || Music Core || Cute, does a lot of aegyo || Teases her a lot || 6

❄ Yuri || 23 || Member of SNSD || The same company || Cool but Goofy || Not as close as all her other friends, but she can still tell her things and ask for advice || 3


Rival :

❄ Bang Minah || 18 || Member of Girls Day|| Broadcasting building || Stupid, Mean and Self-centered || Always glaring when you walk past each other || 1

Why are you rivals : She's mean, rude and thinks she's the best. She always says she's better than Eun Kyung and talks down to her. They also like the same person.


Love interest : Lee Sandeul

Backup Love Interest : Zelo

Date of Birth ❄ Age :  20.03.1992  ❄ 21

Group ❄ Company : B1A4 ❄ WM ent.

Personality : Sweet, funny, goofy, slightly erted, eats a lot, always smiling but is completely serious and passionate when singing.

How you met : Eunkyung is friends with his group mate and they met backstage when she was arguing with Krystal

How you act around each other : Always laughing and cracking jokes with each other. He cares a lot about her and knows about her past because she told him and he wants to heal her scars. He always feels sad and wants to help her regain her confidence, but she hates sympathy and pity, even from him. Sometimes people think she's closer with Sandeul than Bomi. She calls him by his real name (Junghwan) when there are no cameras and he calls her Keiko (her real name) 


Love rival : Bang Minah

Backup love rival 

Date of Birth ❄ Age : { 13.05.1994 ❄ 19 }

Group ❄ Company : Girls Day ❄ Dream Tea Ent.

Personality : She's mean, rude and thinks she's the best. She always says she's better than Eun Kyung and they both like the same person.

How you met : Same company and hated each other before. 

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? : Minah thinks Eun Kyung likes Sandeul, which is also a reason why she hates her, and she does everything possible to try and ruin their close relationship. 






How did you get in the agency? : Scouted

How were your trainee days : She was bullied for being an international trainee, even though she was half Korean, but she got through it because she'd already been bullied once and she ignored them, since she was already used to it, she get hurt as much. 

Number of years of training : 2

Persona : Light Vocals

Stage Name : Eun Kyung

Position : Power Vocalist, Leader (Lights)

Backup Position : Triple Threat, Leader (Aurora)

Fanclub Name : Red Pandas

Fanclub Color : #cc3333





Twitter : @Kyungie_Keiko08101996

Instagram : @Shizu_Seo_KK

Facebook : ShizuSeo Kyungie (English)



Comments : N/A

Suggestions : Dear Mom (SNSD), Be Ambitious (DALSHABET) 

Scene Requests :

❄ Kiss scene with love interest :3

❄ Scene where Sandeul finds out about her past



Password : Click <3






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