Thing about me [Credit to DubuOnew]


Name: Paige
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Screen Name: pikachu_1
Birthday: 18th March 2001
Race: White
School/grade: 6th! gruduating this year!! Whoop Whoop!!
Job: umm.... Making myself laugh?
Status: y (not) free and single 
Hometown: Melbourne
Current Town: Melbourne 
Parents Still Together?: Yesss. 
Siblings: A sister and a brother
Pets: Fish and trying to find kitties!
Smoker: Nope
Drinker: Nooo
: Yes.
Orientation: No clue what this means
Hair Color: Brown
Is It Dyed?: Nope not changing it
Eye Color: Dark but can turn a bit hazel
Height: umm nearly 170cm
Style: Casual is my style
Glasses/Contacts/None?: None but I want glasses but don't need them :(
Freckles: Nope.
Body type: not fat is all I can say 
Shoe Size: Size 10 in women's in Australia
Piercings: Nope
Want More?: No thanks
Tattoos?: no
Want More?: EXO symbol
Braces?: Nope.
Overall Best Feature: nose and mouth and hair look great
Overall Worst feature: um.. Uh I don't know
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: My uncle and my brother. Hehe lol
Favorite Color: Purple
Worst Color: don't have one 
Favorite Number: 5, 12, 15 hehe 5 memebers 12 exo people and 15 superjunior haha
Favorite Animal: Kitties and wolves. Oh and UNICORNS and they are real 
Least Favorite Animal: raptors even though they don't exist
Favorite Flower: IRIS! My sister is named iris And yeah plus she was the one who got me into Kpop
Favorite food: Mangoes and uh um icecream?
Worst Food: bug and snails and Brusselsprouts and spinach yucky~ #_#
Favorite Junk Food: Pizza and pies
Worst Junk Food: meatza (pizza made out of meat) even though I haven't tried it
Favorite Restaurant: don't go to restraunts 
Favorite Ice Cream flavour: cookies and cream and peppermint.... Mmm
Favorite Candy: Yoghurt sticks and lollipops
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: my grandpa gave me beer so beer
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: BUBBLE TEA!!!  just like Sehunnie <3
Worst Alcoholic Drink: beer cause it the only one I have had 
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: Don't know
Favorite Genre if Music: Kpop and pop 
Worst Genre: Hardrock and metallic
Favorite Band/Artist: check out my profile.. 
Worst Band/Artist: That Japanese girl karayu or something the that 
Favorite Song: Don't have one
Worst Song: hot problems.. Ugh hate it SOO much
Favorite Radio station: Triple M and the Fox
Favorite Book: Skulduggery pleasant books and hunger games and diary if a wimpy kid lol
Worst Book: don't know
Favorite Type of movie action and comedy and a bit of romance 
Worst Type of Movie: Umm have no idea :S
Favorite Movie: I don't know 
Worst Movie Ever: don't know
Favorite TV Show: Running Man with English subtitles of course and the rest I don't know
Worst TV Show: Those made up TV show like master chef but that okay I guess.. >_<
Favorite Season of the Year: summer and winter
Worst season of the year:  don't really care 
Best Friend: they probably all hate me~_~
Worst Enemy: whoever flirts with my oppa's and geges! Joke but seriously.... =_=
Favorite Day of the Week: NO SCHOOL DAY!!
Least Favorite Day of the Week: Mondays which is during school period
Favorite Sport: Netball AFL 
Sport You Hate: rugby 
One thing you can't get enough of: Kpop and nice people 
One thing you hate more than anything: LIES! And meanie poops
Are You Single?: Really? You already asked.
If not, who is your bf/gf?: If I did It would be this really small guy but that's outta the kpop world
How Long Have You Been Together?: 0 days
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right now?: yes but that is a secret that most of you know.
First Kiss: Hhahah no
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: Nope
In a Movie Theater?: Ani~
Underwater?: why would you do that?
First Love: Year 1? Yeah that's right
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: Never
Been Cheated on?: Never 
Used Someone?: No but never would
Been used?: NOOO
Lied to your bf/gf?: Did.... Not..... Have..... One
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: Nope
Do you Flirt a Lot?: no why?
Longest Relationship: never had one
Shortest: Again not had one
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: Nope
Ever Get Flowers?: nope
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: Sorta maybe kinda 
Do you Believe in "The One"?: depends who is saying it
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: Not love but like
Ever cried over someone of the opposite ?: aniya
Ever Been Dumped?: Nope
Ever dumped someone?: Nope
Ever been rejected?: Nope 
Ever dated someone more than once?: nope
Do you ever make the first move?: Never tried and too shy
Double dates or single?: Single seems good
Do you want to get married?: Not now NO
Hair Color: Appearance is only looks no big deal
Short or long?: I don't give a poop
Eye color?: I prefer blue 
Style: casual sweet nice not mean
Age: 10/11 at most above my age ^^
Height: same size or taller ^_^
Weight: Less than 90kg but more than 60 because that is just weird
Muscular or skinny?: like me! A but skinny and a bit of muscle
Boxers or Breifs?: Boxers?
Do you care about looks?: SNo not really 
Can you drive? Are you for real?
Do you have a car? Nope 
Do you have a cell phone? Neh~
Are you online a lot?: not really just tumblr
Can you speak another language?: English, a bit of Greek French and Korean ^_^
Do you do well in school? I should say so
Do you collect anything?: Kpop stuff... Does that count?
Have an obsession? Kpop, obviously 
Do you hate yourself?: I regret things but no I don't hate myself
Ever smile for no reason? I smile all the time even though it hirts my cheeks ((*^_^*))
Talk to yourself?: Yes all the time! It amuses me and others!
Do you have any regrets? A few
Believe in magic? EXO!! For that reason yes! Oh and unicorns and dragons for the sale of it
Do you support gay marriage? Yes! Freedom is what people need!
before marriage? Ugh I never read this question...
Do you trust people easily? If I know them yes.
Forgive easily? Yep
Do you have a secret no one knows? Hell yeah!!
Do you get along with your parents? Yes of course apart from when they are a bit drunk 
What about other people? Yeah mate!!! Even if I don't know them
How do you vent your anger? Music...
Do you like George Bush? Huh?
Goal before you die? 
1) go to Korea and speak Korean
2) have EXO powers
3) have a job in SM
Biggest Fear: Losing people I love and my memory :'(
Biggest Weakness: pressure points!! Hhahah okay that's true but I don't understand the question
Do you play an instrument? A little guitar and keyboard
What do you want to be when you grow up? Work in SM!!!!!
Are you...
A daydreamer? Yeah ya.
Shy? Very
Talkative? Not really.
Energetic? Most if the time .
Happy? Ne~
Depressed? NEVER.
Funny? That's what my friends say
Boring? No one has the same interests :(.
Mean? Not often
Nice? Almost all the time ^^
Caring? Ne~
Trustworthy? ALWAYS!!
Confident? Sorta I guess.
Friendly? Yes.
Smart? I'm the calculator so I guess
Sarcastic? yeah. 
Dependable? Don't get the question.
Quiet? Yes.
Weird? Of course I am! :P
Adaptable? Kinda.
Strong (emotionally)? Yeah ya.
Strong (physically)? Yeah ya.
Mature? sometimes.
Logical? I tend to say logical things but also others with no logical meaning at all. 
Religious? Extremly confused if I am or not.
Modest? I think so.
Indecisive? Most of the time.
Sympathetic? Uh I guess  so
Polite? Ne~
Creative? Thinking... YES!
Fun to be around? I guess so.
Loveable? I guess. 
Easily Amused? By kpop yesss.
Outgoing? Meh.
Daring? Yup.
Clumsy? Falling over a bed. Does that count?
Nosy? Try not to be.
Lazy? You can say so.
Scary? Does scaring your sister count?
Optimistic? Maybe.
Persuasive? You should be my friend because I'm epic! Does that sound good to you?
A good listener? If not boring yes!
Curious? Sometimes.
Determined? Some times.
Artistic? It seems like that yes
Honest? Neh~
Respectful? Always.
Conceited? No idea.
Cocky? No I guess not.
Controlling? Nope.
Playful? Ne~
Easygoing? You tell me.
Hot Headed? Sometimes if someone get on my nerves.
Serious? Meh.
Thoughtful? yes.
Considerate? Very.
Stubborn? Sometimes...
Romantic? Me? Nope.
Ambitious? depends.
Jealous? yes.  Sadly 
Insecure? NOT AT ALL
Obsessive? Why would I be.
Attentive? Huh..
Helpful? Ne~
Punctual? not really. XD
Rational? No idea what it means
Sincere? Yes~ :)


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