Application for Girl's Population :)

AFF Username: danaq22

AFF Profile Link:

Kao EmoticonKao EmoticonKao EmoticonKao EmoticonKao EmoticonKao Emoticon

Name: Ming Yu Sun

Nickname: Mimi

Country: Chinese

Age: 16

Birthdate: 0424/95

Birthplace: Shanghai, China

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Personality: She is a quiet and shy girl. She blushes really easily and she is one of those people that you would not notice in a crowd. She is probably what you would call a bookworm. She loves to curl up on a couch with a cup of hot chocolate and read. Although she is shy and quiet, she wears her warm smile a lot. She is also mature, and patient. She doesnt get mad easily, but when she does, she wears this serious expression, much different from her smile. She doesnt talk to anyone, ignores everyone and will probably stay in her at all times. She also is naive and childish when it comes to things like Domo and Hello Kitty.(She loves both)

Family Background: She grew up in a family that is middle-upper class. Which meant that she was able to go to an international school that taught many different languages. Which meant that she could speak many languages. She also traveled to all the continents of the world (except antarctica XD), and visited many different countries. Her parents are both caring and supportive parents. She also has a older sister that she has a really close relationship with.

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Have a boyfriend?: No

Partner to be?: No Min Woo of Boyfriend

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Idol Appearance:

Idol's Name: Krystal of F(x)

Backup Idol Appearance:

Backup Idol's Name: Soo Young of SNSD


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