

She stood a little straighter, careful not to let even a tiny bit of emotion flit across her features. Never, (and she means never), has there been a man who blatantly laughed at her and rejected her.

" A thousand years of existence and i get laughed at by this… human" she muttered, spitting out the last word.

It would be easy, she thinks, to crush his windpipe and watch as he struggled helplessly. A smirk crosses her lips at the thought. But that’s just it, a thought. A mere image conjured inside her mind, letting her cope with an unknown emotion that has started to burn under her skin when he said no. 




I have to do this. I have to do this

He knows that laughing at her would hurt more that the no that he answered with. With both of his fists clenched, Jong Hyun burst out laughing. He saw the pain in her eyes but she easily masked it, giving him an even stare. He saw her lips moving but was unable to understand the words that came out of .

The laugh has started to fade and he met her eyes. 

“Im Jin Ah, I don’t really like you, so…"

He waited for a reply but there was none. Fof the brief moment, he saw a weird and terrifying look cross her face. He felt scared for a moment, but it was nothing compared to the pain of to saying no to the one person he honestly likes.



i have a lot of ideas for fics lately... hehehe... Vampire!Nana and Hunter!JongHyun... yeah... i don't even know... 


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