❥ Sundae, Sunday *** Application Form - Byun Baekhee

Byun Baekhee




To You

AFF Username: Exokristao

Your Name: JR 

Activeness: 97% 



Character Name: Byun Baekhee 

Hangul: 변 백 희

Stagename: Baekhee (um, Because it's her first name?)

Nickname(s): Angel unnie (Given by Ara), Cold meanie (Given by Baekhyun), Trainee (Given by Stella), Princess (given by Suho), Kaisoo's lovechild (by fans. Since she was born on 'Kaisoo' day), Bambi (Given by the fans since she has a bambi eyes)

Birth Of Date: 13 January 1992

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Full Korean 

Birth Place: LA 

Hometown: LA -> Seoul 

Languages: Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent) 

Height: 166

Weight: 51

Blood Type: B 

Others: piercing on each ears (For earings)


Black Tinkerbell

Personality: Okay, uhm. How to explain it.. Baekhee here is a meanie, a big meanie, i repeat, a meanie. She doesn't care about what people feel, it's like when they're sad she will just said 'it's not my bussiness' and turn away. Sometimes, people even said that Baekhee doesn't have any heart, she's cold as an ice. Baekhee didn't have any friends, because when they tried to talk to her she will just give them a glare and leave. Baekhee loves to hear music with her earphone on, so, don't expect to see her without it. Do you want to know the reason? because that way, she can ignore all the people without even hearing them talk.

Baekhee can also be a '' and a 'diva'. There's one time when a junior confessed to her and she just ignore him and left (Still with earphones on, da) and her diva side usually appears when she's annoyed. If you 'accidently' or 'purposely' pull her earphone out of her ears she will give you a 'wtf' look and said 'Did you just pull my earphones out of my beautiful ears?' or 'Who are you to did that to me?!' and yeah. 

Baekhee is also a rebel, back in the school she 'never' actually did her homeworks. She didn't like chores, because to her, she's too good for chores. (She's an almighty Baekhee for a reason, da) And she's also a lazy . She always woke up the latest, She's a very heavy sleeper, even her alrms can't wake her up. 

But her 'main' personality of all is ignorant and arrogant.

When people asked why she was like that, she just answer them with a short 'because, i was born that way' and leave them. She can create venom in her tone to make everyone else got away from her. 

But deep inside, she knows, that she's not actually that mean. She just.. have a bad past. And that past is something she couldn't forget. 

Baekhee rarely cried, because she didn't want to, she doesn't want her wall that she build for the past years shattered just like that. She already build a wall for her heart and brain, and she always want that wall to stay upright and strong.

Her attitude off and on stage is kind of the same. Ignorant, quite the only difference is that she had more charisma. She didn't want to be fake so she didn't try to change her whole personality in front of the camera. She did try to smile but it appears to be strained. The company had told her to change her attitude but she didn't want to so they just let her be. 



Background: She got into SM by the 'street casting' you know.. the when you walk and then someone aprroach you and yeah. At first, she didn't really want to do it. Because she knows that being an idol means she have to be 'all smiley' and put up 'fake' faces. But after remembering her sister, she decided to get in. 

Her family, are average. Not wealthy but not poor either, it's just right. Baekhee have a strict but kind dad, a caring mom, and adorable little sister. But.. something kind of happen to her sister. Her sister, or we should call her Ara had a dream to be a singer. But sadly, that dream is impossible to her. Before they leave for Korea, Baekhee and Ara always hang out together. They ate at one of the restaurant in LA and etc. But one day, something came up and Baekhee couldn't forgive herself for that. 

When they're walking, a car came up to both of them but Baekhee froze at the track, then Ara pushed her so she got hitted instead. She cried countless days and night until Ara finally woke up. But then the doctor said that Ara had lost her vision. 

She could no longer see, she could no longer fulfill her dream to become a singer. Baekhee said her sorry towards her sister and Ara could only smile and nod. When Ara knows that Baekhee is becoming a singer, she was thrilled. She hug her and say all happy words she even cried for her. Baekhee always had a soft spot for her sister, so she only acts kind and calm when she's in front of her. 

And want to know why Baekhee is cold to other people beside her sister?

First, she can't forgive herself for what happened, and the thoughts had always haunted her mind. 

Second, She didn't want to have anyone beside her because she didn't want the same mistake to happen again. She didn't want to feel guilty, just imagine, if she befriended with someone else and that someone is protecting you losing something in return, will you feel bad?

And she decided to build up a wall that were remain strong for the past few years.

She hopes her wall can last longer. 

Oh, i forgot. She got into SM By street casting and trained for 2 years, she were about to debut as a member of girl's generation. But then Seohyun replaced her position. Then, after training for another year SM told her that they're going to put her in a  girlgroup called F(x). But then, they decided to cancel it. Because of trainee exchange, she was traded with another Trainee and got into Woolim. 


❥ Give It To Me

Family Members: Byun Hana | Mother | 44 | Housewife

                        Byun Minho| Father | 46 | Professor 

                        Byun Ara | Younger sister | 15 | Student 

Best Friends: Jung Jessica | 22 | Member of SNSD (Jessica is her Best friend back in America They kind of lost contact for years, but Baekhee still think her as her bestfriend)

Friends: (I want her to have no friends, can it be like that? but if it's can't you can tell me and i'll write some below) 


Idols that are fans of you: Zelo | B.A.P

                                    Kyungsoo/D.O | EXO

                                    Yooara | Hello Venus

Rivals: Stella Kim | 21 | B*tch, Drama Queen, just urgh | It's all started on a hot monday morning. Stella Kim knows that Baekhee is going to debut soon and she didn't like it. Because she thinks she's better than her (She's an SM trainee) When Baekhee just casually strolling down the hallway (With her earphones and Iphone ofc) Suddenly, Stella had an evil idea. She purposely stained her shirt with her water bottle and fall on the floor. Baekhee, noticing the sudden fall look up from her Iphone. Then suddenly, Stella cried and people began to come and 'rescue' her from Baekhee. People glare at her but Baekhee just send them a 'what?!' look. Then, Baekhee is called to Lee Soo Man's office and he gave her a warning about her behaviour. Baekhee wanted to protest but Lee Soo Man didn't believe any words she's spoken out of . So, she leaves the office while cursing, not forget to send him a glare too. Outside the office she saw Stella leaning on the wall with an amused face. Baekhee send her a hiss and glare at her before leaving. | Enemies. i repeat Enemies. If Baekhee and Stella catch each others eyes, Stella will send her a smirk and Baekhee will glare.



  • Her Earphones (da, she have tons of it)
  • Her Iphone 
  • Her Family, especially her sister
  • Listening to musics
  • Ignoring people
  • Giving people her glares (because it's fun)


  • Drama Queens (Especially Stella)
  • Mud (Just, ew)
  • When people pull her earphones out of her ears
  • When people tried to mess with her
  • Plush toys (It's just ew, it's a toys for kids)
  • She didn't really like to wear make ups too, so the coordi noona have to force her sometimes.
  • Stella Kim and her gang


  • Playing flute
  • Drawing
  • Humming to a song


  • Glaring (Da)
  • her lips


  • She can play Flute (Suprisingly)
  • She loves her earphones to death
  • Loves her sister till the end of the time
  • Decided to be a singer because of her sister
  • She's smart, because her father often teach her (He's a professor ouo)
  • Her most hated subject is Mathematics
  • Hates Cleaning to death
  • A Lazyass
  • Can be a and diva too
  • Have a twitter @Byunbaek_H92


Hot Summer


Idol Face Claim: Krystal Jung | F(x) 

Back Up Face Claim: Im Yoona | SNSD


Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun

Personality: Baekhyun is known as the mood maker of EXO. However, sometimes, Baekhyun can also be.. an awesome diva. The 'i'm too fabulous for you D-oh' and etc. But it's just sometimes though, in the end Baekhyun really IS the mood maker of the group. He's Kind, Crazy, kind of loud, erm, and likes to speak before thinking. He's a type of person that can't kept a secret. If you tell him one of your secret then poof, it will be spoiled to all of the person in his group. Baekhyun is also good in comforting people, also a quite eater. Different from Baekhee he loves plush toys especially the puppy ones "Because puppies kind of reminds me of myself" He said.  

How You Met: Baekhyun was Baekhee's classmate in the past. Baekhee didn't actually notice him, but he's been eyeing her for awhile. Their meeting started in the school's library. She's just casually strolling around the library to escape her detention. But then, someone accidently drop books and one of them hits her hand. Unlike Suho's, Baekhyun is not really lucky. Baekhee just look at him and he were about to say sorry. But, Baekhee ignore him and send him a hiss and her death glare. Baekhyun didn't know why.. but he feels.. he had a feeling on the girl. 

How You Treat Each Other: The way the treat each other is.. interesting. When they catch each other eyes, Baekhee will glare and turn her heads away and Baekhyun will send her a 'Did you just try to ignore me?' look. They didn't really talk. Even though Baekhyun still have some feelings for the girl, He just can't stand of her attitude. He doesn't even know how he end up falling for the girl. 

Relationship: Um, i don't really know.. let's just say the didn't have a really good relationship

Backup Love Interest: Oh Sehun


Love Rival: Kim Joonmyun 

Personality: Joonmyunnie here is a total opposite of Baekhee and Baekhyun. He's calm, demure, fatherly, and quite. Joonmyun always had an angeic smile on his face, it's like he's telling the world that everything is going to be alright. He rarely lose his temper but when he loses one.. it's not.. that scary. Everyone stated him as an old granpa. It's cute but seriously? old granpa? lol. Suho is currently dating a 'PRETTY' and 'KIND' Trainee called Stella Kim. Stella Kim.

Stella Kim.

The 'PRETTY and 'KIND' Trainee that everyone adores.


Baekhee kind of want to puke when she hears that. 

How You Met: Joonmyun is Baekhee's Senior in her school, Their first meeting  is in the school's cafetaria. Suho accidently bumped her and spread his drinks all over Baekhee's uniform. She's furious, because his drinks also stain her earphones and Iphone. She were about to send him her famous glare but then Suho did something that makes her froze. That apologetic look on his face as he reached out to get her napkin from his pocket and dab it into her face. "Are you okay?" He ask. Baekhee just look at him and didn't say anything. Suho send her a small smile. "I'm sorry about your uniform, i hope you can forgive me". And Baekhee was sure she heard her heart beating faster than it should be.  

How You Treat Each Other: Normal. Not too close, just like sunbae - hoobae

Relationship: Sunbae - hoobae

Backup Love Rival: Zhang Yixing


❥ Baby Blue


Persona: Ice bambi

How You Got Into Woolim: She got into SM By street casting and trained for 2 years, she were about to debut as a member of girl's generation. But then Jessica replaced her position. Then, after training for another year SM told her that they're going to put her in a  girlgroup called F(x). But then, they decided to cancel it. Because of trainee exchange, she was traded with another Trainee and got into Woolim. 

       Position :

The y Ruler

The Wallflower

The Cold Ice

The Playgirl

The Fluffy Bear

The Jealous Machine

The Cotton Machine

The Young Sweet

Personal Fanclub Name: Baekgangstah

Personal Fanclub Color:             

Training Years: 3 years in SM. A year in Woolim

Trainee Life: Let's just say her trainee life is not that good. In SM, she were tortured by Stella Kim's gang. They were trying to make Baekhee's life a living hell. True, i told you that Stella hates her because she's debuting before her. But there's other reasons actually. It's because Baekhee is prettier, have a nicer voice, and body. Stella didn't want baekhee to beat her, so she and her friends tried to annoy her and hope for Baekhee's leave. However, Baekhee didn't actually leaves. Right, she's annoyed but she can't just give up right? 

Baekhee tried to ignore them but their behaviour towards her is getting worst and worst everyday. As the days past by, they tried to purposely fall and stated that Baekhee were the one who pushed her. Or sometimes, they would also try to pour out a bucket of water in the hallway and Baekhee were also the one that get's the warning. 

Baekhee become colder because of that, she's becoming more arrogant and ignorant. Sometimes, her diva side could also appear. There's one time when Stella pull out the earphones from Baekhee's ear and throw it into the trashcan. Baekhee is furious, she gave them a 'wtf' look and said "Did you do that to me?!" And they answered with a simple "Yes, got problems?" Baekhee face turns red and glare at her. "You know? i really don't get why you're an SM trainee in here, you have no talents and you always act like a " She adds venom and once again glare before leving dumbfounded Stella.

After 3 years of turtored and failed to debut, she were transferred to Woolim. In Woolim no one bullies her but she have no friends either. Some of them tried to approach them but Baekhee send them a look that screams 'go away' 

After another year of lonely training. Baekhee finally had a chance to debut.


❥ Poison

Singing Twin: Krystal Jung | F(X) 

Dancing Twin: Lee Soonkyu (Sunny) | SNSD

Rapping Twin: Yooyoung | Hello venus 

Talking Twin: Krystal Jung | F(x)

Comments: Heyy it's Baekhee! lol. Seriously author nim, your apply fic is the best of the best. I hope i can get accepted. Sorry if her background is too.. sad. Anyway, Stella Kim is a drama queen and likes to put on a fake personality when she's in front of other people other than Baekhee and Her gang. Just so you know :)


Scene Request: 

  • Baekhee and Ara's sister time
  • When Baekhee found out that Stella and Suho were dating
  • When Baekhyun kind of 'forced' to come to her house (with her) and checking up her sister
  • When Baekhee told Baekhyun her reason of being a singer
  • When Baekhee told Baekhyun about her wall
  •  When Baekhee plays a sad flute in front of exo's and Sundae, sunday members
  • Her fight with Stella(?)
  • When Baekhee cried and Baekhyun comforted her by hugging her and kissing her forehead
  • Baekhee and Baekhyun's duet ❤









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