Title: Non-stop rock band FTISLAND

We've put "Love" into our Best Album.

"FTISLAND" is the band who made major debut last year. Their first major album "FIVE TREASURE ISLAND" won 1st in daily oricon chart. 
Also, their concert tickets for Nippon Budokan, this summer, was sold out in 2 minutes!
Non-stop 5 boys have released the Korean Best Album "Best Recommendation For JAPAN Our Favorite Korean Songs".

Minhwan : "We heard that Japanese fans like our Korean songs, so we chose the songs which are effusive to us."

Hongki : "「Love Love Love」is important song that we've been cheered a lot, when we made Come-Back to Korea after a while."

Jaejin : "The album also include the song with new Korean lyrics which was originally with a Japanese lyrics. "Flower Rock" we made the lyrics of the song at living room of our dorm we share."

The album includes "Marry Me" and "Bad Woman", songs that scent love.

Hongki : "In Korea, we have many songs about love. Korean men are very passionate when it goes about love."

Jonghun : "We had started our musical activity since we were in high-school, so we had no chance to get close to girls..."

Seunghyun : "When I hear the story about boys and girls, that boys make a surprise event to girls, so envious! I wanna give a present, hiding a ring in an ice cream."  He's Just So Sweet ~ keke

Jaejin : "I wanna invite my girl friend to my home and prepare a meal. Then give a back-hug♡"

Aigooo~Jaejin is just so romantic~

Minhwan : "I wanna reserve a club and have a live concert just for her. I always play the drum from behind, but this time I would ask to place me in the center position (laughter)."

Jonghun : "I would dare go to a trip with little money. If I'm with someone who I love, it would be fun anyway."

Hongki : "I love the girl who shows variety of attraction like chameleon and FTISLAND want to be the band like that."



CREDIT : takaneofjpp@hongjaebiased (translation) & iachanJH@HappyIsland




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