Sneak peak of chapter 6 of South Side Hunt~ :D Check it out~!!

            *West Side* POV: Five boys were standing beside each other, pacing back and forth. "Why are we doing this?" Kris complained leaning against a thick trunked tree, that towered above them. The other boys were quiet, espacially Seungjin, his light slightly green hair glowing in the sunlight. "We should just leave." Kevin said staring at his brothers nervously. All the boys were nervous about who was coming. The summer wind blew through the trees, making it sway back and forth, threatening to fall at any moment. They all looked up as heavy footsteps was walking towards them. A boy with spiky orange/brown hair was staring at them. "It's good to see you again, Zico." Thunder said bowing his head, his black bangs falling in his face. As usual, seeing their leader made Seungjin look away. Zico ignored the friendly greeting and grabbed the front of Kris's shirt. "You couldn't have the girl fall for you?" He snickered his dark brown eyes seering into him. Kris gulped nervously and nodded. "Heechul, he stopped her." He said making Zico shove him violently. The other brothers stared at their leader with fear in their eyes. Zico was the most feared gangster around in the state of new york. "Where is he?" Zico snapped his voice demanding. 

                    "I'm right here Zico." A voice said from behind them. They all looked over to see a boy with flippy brown hair and blue eyes. Zico grinned triumphantly. "I thought you would run away and not show up." Zico snickered shoving his hands in his jean pockets. Heechul smirked and rolled his eyes. "What is it, Zico?" He said annoyedly. Zico raised a eyebrow and smiled. "I wouldn't get cocky. I hear your letting a girl stay with you." He said tilting his head to one side. The others stared at Heechul surprisedly. Heechul didn't give anything away as he glared at Zico. "Why do you want to know?" He asked challengingly, catching Kris's gaze. Zico scanned his gang members and smiled. "I want the girl." He said his voice going serious. Heechul was quiet for a long time. "Why?" He asked his voice shaking a little. "She'd be a perfect prisoner. She knows were the Curneal is...Afterall, she's his daughter. Not to mention, How cute she is." He said starting to walk towards tense Heechul. They both stared at each other daringly. "She's our prisoner. Your going to have to go through us to get her." He said his gaze starting to harden. Zico stopped until he stood face to face with him. "Fine, we will." He said calmly. As if it was a switch, the gang memembers surrounded them. Heechul looked side to side and sighed. "Really? You can't fight me yourself..." He said snickering. Zico glared heavily at him. "Maybe." 

                         In a second later, Zico swung hard at Heechul. As if it was nothing, he ducked skillfully. He spun around quickly and punched Zico hard in the face, making him stumble back. Kevin grabbed swung with his left hand and decked Heechul hard in the face, giving Zico time to recover. Heechul stumbled back to only be kicked in the stomach by Thunder. Heechul grunted and twisted Thunder's arm behind his back and yanked hard, making him scream in pain. Kevin punched him quickly in the face, with left hand then right. Heechul stumbled back and grunted as Zico pushed him hard into a tree, grabbing his bangs making him tilt his head up so that he stared at him. "Just give up, your out numbered." He said the other boys standing behind him supportingly. Heechul spit blood on the ground and laughed. "You really want Momo that badly? To bad..." He said pretending to sound sympathetic. Zico tightened his grip on his hair and glared fusteratedly. "How about we make a deal? You give me the girl and you won't have to worry about us ever hurting your gang..." He said softly. Heechul wiggled in his grip and snickered. "No." He said stubbornly. Zico stared at Heechul and a small smile spread across his lips. "I see...It's about the girl. You like her, don't you?" He asked curiously. Heechul went wide eyed and stared at Zico like he was crazy. He smiled.

                     "Your wrong..." Heechul glared his blue eyes glowing with hatred and anger. Zico stared at him with disbelief in his eyes. "Ok, how about you give me the girl, and I promise to keep her safe and I will keep her away from her father." Zico said steadily. Heechul was quiet for a long time and he slowly looked down. "Come on, we both know your brothers still don't trust her, knowing she's the curneal's daughter." He said reasoningly. Heechul stopped struggling and everyone stared at him questioningly. "Where do we meet?" He asked his voice barely louder then a whisper. Zico smiled and let Heechul go. "Today at noon. Make sure you don't mess up." Zico said challengingly. Heechul gave a small nod and sighed heavily. "Just promise to keep her safe and protect her." Heechul said softly. Zico nodded even though he didn't seem sincere. Seungjin stepped foreword and glared at Zico. "We will. I will make sure." He said steadily. Zico glared at him, spinning around quickly. "I'm not hurting her, Zico. She did nothing wrong. And she seems really sweet." He said as Zico continued to glare at him. "You will do what I tell you." Zico said pressing Seungjin against the tree. As fast as lightning, he spun around and kicked Zico's feet out from underneath him and punched him hard in the nose, making blood gush out. Seungjin pulled out a silver gun and pressed it against his head. "I answer to no one. I won't hurt her...She did nothing." He said through clenched teeth. Heechul stared at Seungjin in amazement. He let Zico up and put his gun his back pocket. "We promise." He said before Zico could say anything. "And so do I." Heechul mumbled softly. 


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