Aww, no comments? :'((

So I started my first story long time ago (and it's still my one and only story), but even though many viewed it and quite a few subscribed, I only saw one comment in my story, and another on my wall (i love you guys!).


And I was confused as in like; are you guys (the ones who read my story) were actually interested in it or not? And I was a bit disappointed whenever I posted a new chapter, no one bothered to comment or criticize or respond whatever on it.


And it makes me sad since I did all my best to type it all in nicely and descriptively (and this means that i'm really interested on typing this story up, otherwise i'll go all lazy and not type a damn description, LOL), but it just seems like no one cares ;;;;


I'm not sure if I should even continue writing this story (even though I already had many surprises in store), but well I still do want to continue it. So yeah, if anyone out there is reading my story, I wish that someone would be so kind as to dropping a comment. That'll make my day c:


LOL now I sounded like a beggar v.v


Ah well, good night everyone! :D


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Don't bother waiting for those comments. Most readers here are silent, esp after the great crash of March 2012. There is a sudden flood of users and they troll you lol You get subs with no comments. So, if I were you, just chill, write your story how you wanted it to be. Write when you can and don't stress over it :) A friend said once to be thankful for everything. Others don't even have silent readers. I dunno if that's a good thing OTL
WEll, if you truly like your story and want to continue, then do it. When you're passionate about something you do, the attention from other comes naturally. You might have to wait for it a bit, but it'll come, just continue doing what you love :)
I used to feel very discouraged when my stuff didn't get any comments (even though it did get subs), but then I learned that writing is something I like doing, and it doesn't really matter if I get lots of comments, as long as I like what I'm doing.
So don't get discouraged! :D