Co-Author anyone?

So I'm looking for a co-author for a story of mine that I'm writing. It's currently in a draft form so you won't see it under my stories but the name of the story is "The Alice Game". 

The story is fantasy, suspense, little angst I guess. It's not a happy go lucky story, or comedy. There will be some romance. That's all I'm going to say for now but you now know the general feel of this story so if anyone is interested in being my co-author, please PM me or comment here, there will be a form to fill out.


Profile link:

Literary work:

Is english your main language?:

When it comes to stories, I'm an extremely picky person. I do judge on appearance but the quality of the literary work itself must be good. I don't mean to sound so self-confident, almost braggy, but I know I'm not a ty writer so I'm looking for someone along my level of intelligence or even someone who can surpass it. This is why I would like to see an example of your work, a one-shot or anything of the sorts so I can get an understanding on your writing style and how well the writing actually is.

This is also why I decided age is an important thing. A 17 year old will (or at least should) be a much better writer than a 13 year old. Now there are some people on this site who are young but have amazing talents so I will mention this now: quality does overcome your age so if you're 4, but write amazingly, you're hired!

Now if you must know about me, I'm 15 years old but I've been writing stories for a while now. My IQ is in the 95th percentile, meaning I'm in the top 5%, so don't be hesitant of my age. English is most certainly the class I excel at. I believe that's all the info needed.

OOHHKKAAYYYY, I'm so sorry if what I wrote above made me seem like some conceited but I just wanted to put out there that I'm don't want a half-assed, ty writer who misspells every other word. I have a bad tendency to sound overally formal and um, REALLY cold, like err - Y cold and //cough// conceited...

So please don't think bad of me OTL because I don't mean to sound mean or anything :'(

Oh, if you don't want to be a co-author but you know someone who's good at writing, please show them this blog post or at least tell me about said person (:

Eh, who knows. I might not have a co-author in the end due to my dislike of having to depend on others (I HAVE SO MANY FAULTS) so we'll see how this goes, yeah?

If someone is chosen or if I decided to scrap the whole thing, I'll delete this blog post and I will PM the person chosen, giving all the details needed of the story and the direction I want it to go in... But the co-author will get a huge say in how the story will turn out so I'll be paying close attention to your selected stories and your writing styles, seeing if its compatible with my own. 



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