99 Truths (stolen from Katingatrouble)

1. Real Name: Kaylee

2. Nicknames: Kay

3. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: I went to a few.... Sheridan Elementary in k- 1/2 of 4th... Widewater Elementry for the rest of 4th... Prescot Central Middle School for 5th...

6. High school: Lincoln high for 9th and 10, South high for 11th and 12th..

7. College: Not in College yet. But I’ll go...

8. Hair color: Brown

9. Tall or short: Tall for a girl... I’m 5’7

10. IM or email: Email... And twitter, but that’s not in the question, now is it?

11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans

13. Health Freak: Meh... Doubt it.

14. Orange or Apple: Apple

15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: I’m not really sure if it’s a secret, considering that I confessed to him and everything... And my crushes on INFINITE is definitely NOT a secret.

16. Eat or Drink: I’d rather do both, honestly

17. Piercings: Uuhh, just my ears. I don’t want to have any other piercings.

18. Pepsi or coke: Honestly, now it’s Pepsi. *points at Infinite* It’s all thanks to them.

19. Been in an Airplane: I HAVE BEEN!!! FIRST TIME LAST WEEK!!!

20. Been in a relationship: Uh, yeah... Lasted less than a month.. I don’t even know what I saw in him. Oh well, MY HEART BELONGS TO INFINITE! And the guy I’ll be going on a date with, but we’re in no relationship...

21. Been in a car accident: Never. And I don’t plan on it, either.

22. Been in a fist fight: NO! Why would I fight someone??

23. First piercing: My ears when I was in 2nd grade.

24. Current best friend(s): Honestly, that would be Chelsee and Maureen. I love Chelsee so much! She’s such a sweet friend! The best!!! We’ve only known eachother for less than a year, but I feel like we’re so close now. Maureen, I bet on AFF... And she’s like the BEST friend a person could ask for. I love her! Oh, and then of course Myungsoo is my best friends... Kekeke, in my dreams.

25. First award: Perfect attendance... Sometime when I was younger.

26. First crush: Some guy who was in my kindergarten class until when I left in forth named Alex.

27. First word: Uhhh... I have no idea.

28. Last person you talked to in person: My stepmom... I was showing her my devotion for youth group based off of Man In Love.

29. Last person you texted: Pretty sure it was Kari.             

30. Last person you watched a movie with: My little brother... We just watched the 4th Harry Potter movie yesterday.

31. Last movie you watched: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

32. Last song you listened to: Uhh... Man In Love... I think.

33. Last thing you bought: COOKIES!

34. Last person you hugged: Honestly, I haven’t hugged anyone since I hugged my pastor, I think. Yeah, Pastor Michael.

35. Favourite Food: Ddokkboki

36. Favourite Drink: Any Snapple drink. I love those!

37. Bottoms: What is this supposed to mean? Bottoms? LIke favorite pants... Uh, shorts? But if I were to bottom someone, if that’s what it means... Uh, Woohyun.

38. Flower: A rose?

39. Animal: A bunny... or a hamster... Gyu and Woohyun, lol

40. Colour: Red and blue.

41. Favourite Movie: Don’t really know... I don’t watch movies anymore as much... Don’t have one.

42. Favourite subject: I love English just cause I’m a writer and everything.

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. (x) Got Baptized.

44. (x) Celebrated Halloween.

45. (x) Had your heart broken.

46. ( ) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

47. (x) Had someone question your ual orientation.  

48. ( ) Got pregnant.

49. ( ) Had an abortion. (I would never!)

50. (x) Did something you regret. (Infinite.... lol)

51. ( ) Broke a promise.

52. (x) Hid a secret.

53. (x) Pretended to be happy.  (Alot actually. I don’t like people seeing me upset, honestly)

54. (x) Met someone who changed your life. (YOUTH PASTOR MATT WALTON!)

55. () Pretended to be sick.

56. () Left the country. (I wish)

57. (x)Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. (x) Cried over the silliest thing. (Hahahahaha, almost every fanfiction I read, lol)

59. (x) Ran a mile. (they made us run the mile in school but I like jog/walked it. Technically no I dont think I've ever 'run' one)

60. () Went to the beach with your best friends. (Beach, what beach? I live in the Mountains.)

61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends.

62. (x) Hated someone. (...Infinite)

63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. (UUUh, I’ve only ever not been single for a month... Unless you count Woohyun as my boyfriend, THEN I’M TAKEN!)


64. Eating: Nothing.

65. Drinking: Nothing

66. Listening to: Nothing

67. Sitting/Laying: Sitting

68. Plans for today: Church... Update fanfics... The regular.



70. Want kids: Of course!! I’m wanna adopt a little korean boy and then have one girl and one boy of my own.

71. Want to get married: ...to Woohyun

72. Career: I wanna teach English in Korea. Big goal for me. If not, I’ll teach an English class in a local highschool or something.

WHICH ONE in a significant other:


74. Shorter or taller: Probably taller...

75. Romantic or spontaneous: Hahahahaha, I would have to say romantic *glances at Woohyun*

76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

77. Looks or personality: Of course personality


78. Lost glasses/contacts: Many many many times. To this day I still can’t find a pair of contacts I lost like 6 months ago ><

79. Snuck out of the house: Nope! My parents would always let me out! I wouldn’t go out at night anyway.

80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: Yeah, no.

81. Killed somebody: Noooo. Unless you count that in a fanfiction...

82. Broken someone's heart: Not that I know of, no

83. Cried when someone died: Yes!


84. Yourself: I believe that I can do well in life if I set my mind to it...

85. Miracles: Of course I do!

86. Love at first sight: Yeah.

87. Heaven: Yes, I’m a Christian here.

88. Santa Claus: no

89. on the first date?: Uh, no.

90. Kiss on the first date: Maybe? IDK

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Well yeah... Nam Woohyun... Kim Sunggyu...

92. Do you know who your real friends are: Of course I do! At least I think so.

93. Do you believe in God: Of course!!

94. Post as 99 truths?: Sure... ?

95-. Quote a famous person: “Imagine and dream. Then the world will change to how you want it to be.” -Nam Woohyun

96-. Say something funny: Dongwoo can...

97. Laugh at yourself: I always do.

98. Last message: My last message was to Katingatrouble, lol. I said “They are! I'm also 5'7! Lol, so when's your birthday??”

99. A picture of you:

This was taken on the 4th of July in San Antonio!! :D We were getting ready to watch the fireworks! Great night!


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