Anyone in LA?

Does anyone live around LA? Wanna hang out? I have an interview there this next Tuesday and I can't NOT hit up Little Tokyo and Koreatown while I'm there. Last time I went with my friend but I'm making my mom come with me this time. She isn't that enthused with the Asian stuff though lol she gets all embarrassed when I fangirl in public XD So I thought I would ask around. Really this is just a shameless plea to make friends lol I think I have my mom convinced to drive in LA too O_o I'm kind of scared...because she said I would have to do the driving then. Might be a dangerous few days lol XD Well anyways I wanted to check around so...yeah!


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sorry, love!
if i were still in vegas you KNOW i would, but i've moved! actually i'm in between meving back to the east coast and am currently vacationing in malaysia/thailand.
if you go to washington dc or anywhere in maryland/ia area I WILL FIND YOU, I PROMISE!!!

/coughs/ so make it happen!