8Dolls || The Pint-sized Powerhouse || Kwak 'Soul' Sulmi







Username : ThatsTheWay

Link : Don't Hate Me

Activeness : 9.8

What can we call you? : Still TTW here.





Name : Kwak Sulmi / Amanda Kwak

Nick names: Baby Sul - she looks a lot younger than she is.

Stage name : Soul

Birthdate : 1990/12/21

Age : 22

Ethnicity : Korean-American

Bloodtype : B

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Los Angeles, California

Languages : English and Korean (fluent)

Personality :

Sulmi is a ball of energy. No matter what happens, she's always moving around and doing stuff. She's very hyperactive, and she can be stubborn; once she has her mind on something she will not  take no for an answer. As soon as you get her going, Sulmi will not stop. Her stage name, Soul, is there for a reason; she's passionate about rapping and playing the guitar, and is amazing at doing both. Those are her two passions, and she puts all of her energy into them. Towards the rest of the members, she's a very confident and caring leader. She makes sure that they're okay before asking them to work harder, and never pushes them past their limits. She's good at cooperating with her bandmates and with the rest of the staff, who she has utmost respect for. Sulmi is also very creative; she loves to compose music and almost always has her guitar on her, trying to figure out new songs for the group.

Because of her hyperactivity, Sulmi can easily come off as childish; she does have a mature side but she's not good at showing it. Sulmi can also be over-emotional. She's the first one in the group to start crying when something bad - or good - happens. Sulmi is also naive, and trusts people too easily. She gets pranked by the members a lot because of that. And jeez, this girl is messy. 9 times out of 10, she's voted the messiest member of 8Dolls. She can't keep anything clean for her life, save her guitar. There are a lot of times when Sulmi wants to be alone with her guitar, and when you disturb her when that happens, she'll snap at you. For somebody who's so energetic and outgoing, she can be very stuck-up about her alone time. As I said before, Sulmi is quite stubborn. If she doesn't get what she wants she'll get so annoying until you give it to her.

Background :

Sulmi's parents moved to Los Angeles in 1992, just before the birth of Sulmi's brother, Aron. The two grew up performing; Sulmi had her first guitar when she was 9, and Aron loved to sing and rap along. Their parents, surprising both of them, were the ones that reccomended the two to audition. They both auditioned for Pledis Entertainment, and they both got in. That was in 2009; the Kwak family moved to Korea after that, in order support their kids.

After two years of training,  Sulmi was supposed to debut in a rock group with After School's Gaeun on vocals, Hello Venus's Lime on rapping, and two other trainees on bass and drums; the plans fell through. That was the worst year of Sulmi's life, but also the best. She transferred to TS Entertainment, where she focused on rapping.

She's now the leader and main rapper of 8Dolls, which she is incredibly excited about. She's focusing her time on the guitar parts for all of 8Dolls's songs, so she can make acoustic covers and improve the group's popularity.






Idol Name : Jimin (AOA)

Links / Tumblr : Tumblr

Back-up Idol Name : Sunny (SNSD)

Links / Tumblr : Linkeus

Height : 158 cm. You know the pint-sized part...?

Weight : 49 kg

Style : As long as she looks good in it, Sulmi will wear it. She has no specific style, but she does lean towards the girly side of things; she also likes stage outfits, though, and really bold clothing. The way she picks her outfits is simple: she reaches into her closet, grabs something, and hopes for the best. 1 2 3 4 5



 Every Night~


Family :
Kwak Youngmin | 20 | Little brother | Lead dancer, lead rapper (NU'EST)
Kwak Jinsuk | 59 | Dad | Teacher
Cho Shimin | 57 | Mom | Teacher

Bestfriend: Lime / Kim Hyelim | Hello Venus | She's really bright and funny, but don't let her jokey exterior fool you; she's also crazy talented.

Friends :

Choi Leeun | 22 | Trainee

Kim Nahyun | 20 | Trainee

Lee Kyuha | 20 | Trainee (was supposed to debut in the rock group)

Sung Minji | 24 | Trainee (Was supposed to debut in the rock group)

Kang Baekho | 17 | NU'EST

Rivals : Lee Gaeun | After School | 18 | She's nice and everything, but her worth ethic is...not as good as it could be. | Sulmi blames Gaeun for her rock group falling through; she couldn't learn the songs correctly. It's mostly Sulmi's hostility towards her.






Lovers Name : Sam Carter

Age : 25

Group : Lunafly

Relationship : Close friends

How you treat eachother : Sam is a naturally shy person; Sulmi's always bright and moving. Somehow she manages to bring out the funny side in him, and he manages to calm her down.






Back-up lovers Name : Kim Himchan

Age : 23

Group: B.A.P.

Relationship : Friendly rivals

How long have you been together : [If dating]

How you treat eachother : They argue so much it's not even funny, but they do care for each other.







  • Classic rock
  • Nail art - she's always got really cool stuff on her nails.
  • Watermelon
  • Bulgogi
  • Kittens

Dislikes :

  • Modern pop music
  • Lipstick. It always feels fake to her.
  • Belts
  • Sour food, especially candy
  • Being made fun of for being so short

Hobbies : Guitar

Habits : She plays with her hair.

Weakness : She's a really okay singer, not good, just okay.

Trivia :

  • Her favorite song is "Blitzkreig Bop" by The Ramones, and she admires Patti Smith.
  • She uses eyeliner to draw on her arms when she's bored.
  • Trying to develop a British accent, and failing horribly at it.
  • She's fairly close to most of NU'EST.
  • Sulmi's favorite foods have been watermelon and bulgogi since she was a little kid.
  • Hates being touched, unless she initiates it.
  • She was the girl with the bike in SHINee's "Hello".
  • Jacksfilms is her favorite YouTuber.
  • Has an iPhone 4S; her ringtone is "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles.
  • Doesn't listen to a lot of K-Pop.





Persona : The Pint-sized Powerhouse

Position : Leader, main rapper, vocalist

Back-up Position : Lead vocalist, rapper, moodmaker

Personal fanclub name & color : Hearts (so it's Hearts and Soul) in Red


Trainee Life : When the plans for the rock group fell through, Sulmi's focus went to rapping; she did that all the time, except for when she was practicing guitar, of course. She had a pretty average trainee life, and her failure drove her to work even harder.

Trainne Years : 4; 2 under pledis, 2 under TS



INeverSayGoodbye, Hello~


comments : Nah~

request : General Sam/Soul cuteness.

suggestions : If you need songs for a Japanese debut, talk to me.

password: Fly to Love







Thanks For Applying ! - Love  Juliet & Dani~!



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