SEU48 Application/Audition~


Name: Min Hee Baik
Stage Name: Mira (also her English name)
Other Nicknames: Minnie, Mimi
Age: 18
Birthdate: 05/14/93
Ethnicity: American-Korean
Languages Known: English, Korean, baisc Japanese
Height: 164CM
Weight: 45KG
Personality:  Mira is outgoing, fun, adventurous, loyal. She loves to try new things, but loses interests in them after a while. Although she is outgoing, she is a bit shy around people she has never met before or are not familiar with. As she gets to know you better, she will open up and become more outgoing. She also is a bit stubborn and naive at times. She also a bit emotional and can cry over the smallest things, and she is also really creative, and often comes up with good song lyrics.
Likes: Singing, Dancing, Playing Guitar, cheesecake, soccer, movies, criminal investigation dramas
Dislikes: not being straightforward, lying, ty clothes/people, horror movies/books, people who try too hard to stand out.
-Often whistles whenever shes in a good mood
-Plays with her fingers when shes nervous
-Likes to sing in the shower
Other Facts:
-She can play guitar really well
-Loves cheesecake alot
-Loves to play soccer
Background Story: Her mother was an American born Korean, and lived her entire life in the US. Her father was a regular person. They married after they went to high school and college together. They were very young when they had Mira and her older sister, Mia. She grew up with a normal family in a small town in New Jersey. She was on a travel soccer team, and lived a pretty normal life. She was never a "queenka", and never was bullied.Her mother was a nurse at a local hospital, and her father was the president of a small company.
Family Members:
Father: Edward Allen
Mother: Ji So Baik
Older sister: Amelia(Mia) Baik/ Min Yeon Baik
~Artist Info~
Do you have any artist experiences? If yes, which ones?: Nope
Persona: The Hyperactive Cutie
Audition Song:
Good Day, by IU
~Character Appearance~
Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi
ual Orientation: Straight
Crush: Minho of SHINee, Onew of SHINee, WooHyun of Infinite
Friends: Luna of f(x), Krystal of f(x), Min of Miss A, Jeon Ji Yoon of 4Minute
Rivals Suzy of Miss A
-Favorite Color: Lavender
-Favorite Groups: SHINee, SNSD
-Favorite Music Genres: bossa nova, ballad, electronic pop
-Favorite Food: Pasta, Kimchi, Banana Bread
-Favorite Dessert: CHEESECAKE, Vanilla Icecream, Cupcakes
- Hello! Well, I see that we didn't meet yet *Laughs* Can you tell me your name, age and where are you from?
Uhh, Hello, My name is Baik Min Hee, my English name is Mira, and I'm 18. umm... I'm from New Jersey of the US
- Well, nice to meet you! Can you tell us something about you?


*Plays with fingers*, umm, I'm American-Korean, and I speak fluent English and Korean. Oh and I speak basic Japanese, because I self-taught myself.
- And... what brought you here?
Ummm.... I came because I wanted to be a singer. *smiles*
- Do you already have any past artist experiences? Or are you a newbie searching for the fame? *Chuckles*
*chuckles awkwardly* ummmm....Yeah, I'm a newbie searching for the fame~ But I will workd hard!
- Which are your best talents in your point of view?
*Continues playing with fingers* Umm.... Probably my voice.... I have a large voice range.... yeah...
- Which are your favorite groups, if you have any? Have you ever heard about AKB48? If you do, what do you think of them? Just to see if you are in the mood. Hee hee~
My favorite groups are SHINee and SNSD... And I have heard of AKB48, I thought it was pretty cool to have that many people in a group, but maybe not all of them get the attention and whatnot. *chuckles awkwardly again*
- Any hobbies?
I love singing~ I sing in the shower so much that my mom tells me to shut up! *laughs*, I also love playing soccer and reading books and watching criminal investigation dramas.
- So, let's go to what we are here! Let's see your audition! What are you going to sing, and from which artist?
okay, *sighs*, Im gonna sing Good Day by IU
(i just put Megan Lee's cover as Mira's version XD)


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