Self-Quiz ; Stolen from summerskye~


Self Quiz

Self Quiz


1. if you would want another name, what would it be?

 asdfghjkl; I dunno... orz. I guess either Mikki or Melanie.


2. what country do you want to be born in?
 I'm fine with the country I am born with, since I'm glad that I was actually born lol. But if I had to choose, it'd be Korea(?) I guess.


3. name three persons who make you laugh (irl)
 My twinneh, F5(a group I talk to c:), and my sister.


4. how many siblings do you have?


5. what's your favorite sport to do and watch?
 None. lmao


6. what was your first k-pop song?
 I remember this as if it was yesterday. e u e It was Lucifer.


7. what's your favorite color?
Grey. c: <3


8. what are you in your group of friends? (the aegyo master, the silent leader, etc.)
 The silent maknae. o u ob


9. if you had the chance to change your fate, would ya?
 Hmm.. tbh, yes I would, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people would if they could.


10. who's your favorite disney princess?
 Aurora.(Sleeping Beauty) ; u ;


11. if you had one message to your teachers and classmates, what would it be?
 Hmm.. I never liked none of you. o 3 o


12. name three talents you have
Playing the piano & violin, perfect pitch, and rapping.


13. if you were to join a girl group, which would it be?


14. if you were to join a boy group which would it be?
OTL I CAN'T CHOOSE. THIS IS TOO HARD MY GOODNESS. I'd have to go with MYNAME, despite them not being my #1 top favorite group. :U


15. are you a potterhead, demigod, narnian and a tribute?
 asdfghjkl; I dunno how to answer this question. ; m ;


16. who's your favorite English singer?
 MY COUSIN!! Bruno Mars. o u ob


17. who's your role model in life?
 I have quite a few, so I'll just say my top #1 role model. ^_^ L.Joe.


18. who would you consider your online best friend?
 -ilubme- Mah twinneh. C: <3


19. are you a female seagull who does your own makeup? = 

HOW DID YOU KNOW? ; A ; Jay kay, no, I'm not.


20. what's your favorite quote?
"The best revenge is to smile and show that you're not hurt or angry at all."



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toukyo #1
that quote is so awesome xD
omf i'm mentioned twice. <33333333
/throws hearts.