✫ indie pop ▒ jung ahko ✫


 indie pop ▒ a climb to the top 

[thatstheway [ttw]  [4.9]

[jung ahko]

character name — jung ahko
nickname(s) — just call her by her first name, ahko. she doesn't do nicknames, and hates being adressed by her full name.

date of birth — 11/16/91 +  21
ethnicity — korean
languages — korean (fluent); japanese (basic)

first choice visual — baek jae ah
gallery gallery
second choice visual — girim
gallery gallery

height + weight — 172 cm + 56 kg

appearance same as her visual's.

style ahko's style looks like something coming out of the 90's. her skirts are never the right length - assuming she's wearing a skirt; honestly, she prefers pants - and if she has a t-shirt, 99 times out of 100 it'll be tucked in to her pants. she has a collection of crewneck sweatters, and if she gets too hot to wear them, she'll tie them around her waist. many of her clothes are far too big for her, which honestly, she's totally fine with. the only shoes she owns are converse sneakers, which are probably a bit too big, but that doesn't matter.

personality keywords — tomboyish; motherly; agressive; intimidating
personality breakdown — ahko was never the feminine one in her family. in general, her interests are on the stereotypically boyish side. be it sports, cars, or video games, she'll hold it close to her heart. her busan accent - which is incredibly strong - somehow enhances her boyish qualities. because of her boyishness, ahko's pretty self concious. she doesn't consider herself beautiful in any sense of the word - she grew up believing that it was her sister that was the pretty one in her family, and that belief still continues today. however, ahko is definitely the group's mom. she's very friendly, protective and caring towards the members of indie pop, despite her outward appearance; she's also like a mother in the sense that she's incredibly fussy with the girls, and always checks at least thrice to make sure they're okay after long hours of practice. she puts them before herself, no matter what; if somebody is hating individually on the members, ahko chooses to go after the ones that are hating on the others, not her. she's the one that keeps their place half-neat all the time, and is definitely the best cook. she has a small collection of romance novels that she'll read at night, hoping to someday find her own prince.  ahko tries to best to hide her motherly AND FEMININE side, figuring it doesn't suit hEr.

to people who could even potentially hurt her friends, and to all strangers, ahko is very intimidating. her physical strength is amazing, and girl can throw a punch. she's surprisingly quick to violence when she's offended; hence, the #1 rule of befriending jung ahko is to not piss her off under any circuimstances. she's generally accepting of disagreements, but if you really bug her about her views, she goes nuts. ahko sticks by what she knows, be it wrong or right, and gets pretty stubborn when she's defending those points. she's not the brightest bulb in the bunch, but she's a good debater. because of that - and the aforementioned physical strength; ahko has a very demanding, intimidating presence. people will do what she says out of pure fear if she's just meeting them. other than a few of her friends, and the members of indie pop, the world seems to be pretty scared of her. ahko will use that to her advantage for the most part, but nobody likes being feared more than they are respected. that's ahko's biggest problem, and is the one she's trying desprately to solve.

background — jung ahko is the second child of choi sungmi and jung kyumin. her older sister, hyomi, was a piano prodigy; the best thing ahko was good at growing up was beating up boys. it really isn't hard to tell, just from that information, who was in whose shadow.

which, really, ahko was fine with for a while. she didn't have to worry about clothes shopping when she got all of hyomi's stuff, and she always got to hear beautiful music around the house when her sister played mozart, or bach, or whatever. hyomi and her parents seemed to never be at home when ahko was growing up; hyomi always had piano competitions, recitals, and lessons to go off to. those required a lot of driving, and apparently, not ahko. so she practiced punches on her teddy bear - who she'd always sew right up afterwards - and hummed the songs her sister was learning on piano. she figured out "twinkle twinkle little star" on her home's piano and never got much farther, though she did like the sound.

then came the year hyomi was 11; her sister turned 15 and wasn't a prodigy anymore. (she still has no idea how that happened.) ahko's alone time disappeared, as did the sounds of piano in the house, and the money gained from Hyomi's piano competitions. and, as it turns out, ahko and hyomi do not get along. at all. in any sense of the term. the girls ended up fighting all the time over the silliest things - hyomi wanting her old clothes back, for example, or disagreeing over ahko's treatment over her teddy bear. their parents stayed blissfully unaware of the girls fighting until a tuesday when ahko, who was 13, punched her sister in the face. her parents, naturally, blew up over it, favoring hyomi all the way. ahko decided then to stay in her room unless she had to go to school. her involvement in a gang during her first year of high school enhanced ahko's already agressive qualities, but she didn't stay in it very long.

becoming a dancer was completely her descision. the one computer their house had after hyomi's piano contest funds ran short was shared evenly between the rest of the family. she looked up dance cover videos on youtube out of sheer boredom when it was her turn, and imitated them. she found something, aside from hitting people, that she was good at. that was enough for her. when ahko moved out to share an apartment with 4 strangers, she failed to say goodbye to her parents and has yet to contact them since.


[occupation] — thrift shop clerk
[likes] — milkshakes
[likes] — boxing
[dislikes] — dresses
[dislikes] — pianos
[habits] — curls her hands in to fists when she's stressed/angry

[ringtone] I COULD BE THE ONE


SISTER — JUNG HYOMI — 25 — washed-out, quiet, cold, protective  — alive— 1 — n/a - none of ahko's family has a clue about it.

father — jung kyumin — 62 — protective, biased, caring, curious — alive — 2 — n/a

mother — choi jungmi — 59 — motherly, intimidating, quiet, intelligent — alive — 2 — n/a



BEST FRIEND — LI MEIFEN — 20 — QUIET, reserved, easily frustrated, clever — alive — 4.6 — yes

boss — lee junghee — 27 — lazy, clever, talkative, easily distracted — alive — 3 — not if it means he loses an employee.


park sungmin

love interest — park sungmin
back-up love interest — kim myungsoo (infinite)

personality — he's a guy that's generally bored by the world. there's just so much about it that isn't interesting to him, so he looks for the strange in the world - creepy vintage clothing, or music nobody's ever heard of in languages he doesn't understand. if you don't interest him he'll be bored by you, and hence shall not bother with you. if you're interesting to him, he'll be an absolute sweetheart, but most people are far too boring to interest him at all. sungmin is also very inquisitive; when he's trying to find something new he'll ask thousands of questions all about it, all in rapid succession - anything to satiate his curiosity. (interestingly, he never says anything about himself.) because of his interest in a wide variety of subjects, he's somewhat of a genius ditz; when it comes to things he likes he'll be incredibly knowledgeable. anything else, he'll be a complete idiot.

how you met/will meet — he's a frequent customer at the thrift shop where ahko works. that place stocks everything fron engrishy t-shirts to weird jewelery, and he practically lives there.

how you act around each other — he's like an overly-curious interviewer. for him, ahko is something interesting, so he questions her about her entire life all the time. in response, well, she answers, of course, amazed he's not intimidated by her.

relationship status — the weirdest pair of best friends in a 5 mile radius.

do they support indie pop — yes - it's something cool that he hasn't seen before, so of course he's interested in it.


stage name — a-ko
persona — little chun li - because her physical strength is like a video game character's.
specialty — freestyle dancing.
voice claim — yoon bomi - here

Talent Breakdown 

singing — 30
rapping — 30
acting — 20

song suggestions jet; don't trust her

scene suggestions — nothing in particular.

comments/questions/concerns — ahhhh. this app is so pretty. how did you do that.

are you okay with the author changing minor details? — yes.



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