NU'EST in Turkey!!!

NU'EST is back with season 3 of L.O./\.E story, and they're in Turkey! Wow, didn't expect them to go there. Lol they were just so darn cute. :3

I NEED ENGLISH SUBS PEOPLE! If anyone has a link when it gets subbed, give it to me! I beg of you, fellow L.O./\.E's!

Check it out:

I liked the marketplace there, too. Reminded me of a place in my fantasy novel, shortly before the main character goes through his racial identity crisis hahaha XD



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I was so happy to see them there because my family was Turkish a few generations back and plus they were next door to Syria so I felt like they were visiting my origins haha. Plus did you here JR said that Turkish girls are y. Well I'm Syrian with Turkish origins so close enough :P
The nuest subbing team usually takes a while. I'll tell you when it's up.
Btw you seem quite behind on nu'est news :) I knew they were going to Turkey ages ago and it's been quite a while since they got back haha. I also know that Pledis confirmed that they were coming back in August... :) did you know that?