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Hello! My name is Moon Hyun Ae




Profile: BlowingBubbles

Activeness: 9

Nicknames: Dee



Name: Moon Hyun Ae

Nicknames: Hyunnie

Age • Birthdate: 18 • September 12, 1994

Birthplace • Hometown: Seoul, Korea  • Seoul, Korea

Blood Type: A



Ulzzang: Park Min Ju

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-up Ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3



Personality: Hyunnie is the definition of clumsy and a day-dreamer. Ever since she was young she has been falling all over the place. She likes to day-dream which clashes with her clumsy trait, and tends to lead her into accidents. She is quiet and doesn't try to stand out much. She hates being the center of attention and gets teary when she does.She is very friendly when spoken too, and won't hesitate to help people if they need some. Shes honest and can't tell a lie even if she tried to. Although, if she gets mad, its best to stay away from her. She can change from a ball of sweetness to a ball of hatred in mere seconds. She does hold grudges and when she doesn't like someone, she doesn't like someone and won't talk to them at all. 

Background:  Hyun Ae lives a very nice life. She isn't too rich or isn't too poor. She wouldn't want to change her life for the world. She lives in Downtown Seoul and walks to work everyday (She works part-time at her family's restaurant.) She has very good grades in school, and takes pride in them. She doesn't have many friends, but shes fine with that. She hopes she gets into a good college.

Likes: Tea (She fell in love with it at first sip), Fairy-Tales (Shes been in love with them since she was little.), Chocolate (What girl doesn't like chocolate? XD), Reading (She likes to lose herself inside the books), Family (Her family and her are close.), Daisies (She doesn't like roses and thinks they are a more pretty flower)

Dislikes: Bitter Tea (She hates the taste), Jeans (They feel weird on her), Mean People (She doesn't like getting mad), Platform heels (They hurt her feet and she doesn't like feeling like a sky-scraper.). Embarressing situations (She hates being the center of attention)

Hobbies: Playing the violin, reading, day-dreaming

Fears: Heights, Rejection

Trivia: Takes midnight strolls in the park ~ owns a entire shelf of otome games ~ used to be a fujoshi ( lover) ~ loves reading fantasy books ~ wants to go to a university for mathmatics ~ likes to write in her diary about new people she meets and encounters ~ A pro-gamer ~ Has two bookshelfs full of videogames 



Mother | Moon Cho | 37 | Ramen Shop Owner | Close | Bubbly, eccentric, friendly, loud, worrysome

Father | Moon Du-ho | 40 | Ramen Shop Owner | Close | Quiet, Serious, Wise

Brother | Moon Jongup | 19 | High School student | Distant | Quiet, tough, shy, funny



Friend: Teacher's Pet

Lee Min Young | 17 | 12th | Funny, Gossiper, Mature | Min and Hyunnie have been friends since they were in kindergarten. Min can tell Hyunnie anything, and Hyunnie can tell Min anything. 

Wang Fei | 17 | 12th | Cold, Serious, Rebellious | Hyunnie met her at the school and  asked her if she could sit with her in the library since all the tables were taken/ Fei had said no, but Hyunnie sat down anyway. Fei admitted she kind of liked the girl since she had guts and they became friends. Hyunnie always lectures her about trying in school. Fei justs tunes her out.

Name | Age | Grade | Personality | How you act





Name: Peniel D. Shin

Age • Birthdate: March 10, 1993

Personality: Peniel acts like a big bad boy, but hes actually very sweet on the inside. He is very misunderstood, and most people are scared of him. Sure, hes been in fights before and hes been held back, but hes been able to get through it because of the girl he loves smile. 

How you met: Peniel use to discreetly stare at her, and he 'somehow' end up as her partner in school projects. To his dissapointment, she'd always just do the work and turn it in without telling him. Peniel fell in love with her in 7th grade when she helped him with some bullies. Later that year he moved to america, but came back in 10th grade a whole different person.

How you act: Hyunnie doesn't remember helping him, and is scared of him. When he confesses, she is scared even more since he looked like he just got out of a fight, and rejects him. He later tells her that he'd do anything to be with her, and that he would stop fighting. She decides they can be friends. She slowly falls in love with him. 

Plotline name: Mr. Bad Boy


Back-up Name: Lee Changsub

Age • Birthdate: 18 • Feburary 26, 1994

Personality: Changsub is a funny and flirtatious guy. He is humorous and loves to have the attention on himself. He likes to tease Hyunnie, and is very protective of her.

How you met: They were neighbors.

How you act: Hyunnie has never seen him as more than a friend, and when he confesses, it brings conflicting feelings to her. She didn't ever notice have her heart beats faster when hes near, or she blushes when he hugs her.

Plotline Name: Mr. Best Friend



Name: Kwon So-hyun

Age • Birthdate: 18 • August 30, 1994

Personality: Shes a bit ditzy and a bit slow. Sohyun is confident and loud. She is nice and friendly to people. Although, she does get jealous easily and doesn't like it when people take what she wants.

How you met: Sohyun and Hyunnie used to be friends but Sohyun left her for the popular crowd. Hyunnie doesn't hold it aganist her.

How you act: Sohyun has liked Peniel for a long time, and always wanted to be with him. Shes really mad when she finds out that Peniel is following her ex-friend around. She tries to sabotage their relationship.



Comments: I love BTOB, thank you for making this story! :3

Suggestions: N/A

Scene Requests: Peniel following Hyunnie everywhere, Hyunnie hiding in the girls bathroom from him, Hyunnie telling her problems to Fei and Min.

Password: BTOB 



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