First of all, I GOT MY FIRST POSTER TODAY!!!! And oh my gosh, it's so AWESOME!!!! Guys, if you wanna have a great poster for your fic, request from aromartwork@ the fearless forgotten : request shop...she makes the most epic posters ever!!

If you want proof take a look at my "I Belong To Master L!" fic! ^__________________^


Second of all, I'm officially a MEDICAL INTERN now and it's really....O.O....>_____________<...XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...

In other words, it's crazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyy! XDDDD

I got to interact with patients these past two days and it's really different from being inside a classroom or in the hospital is one hectic, crazy emotional rollercoaster ride where you can get yelled at by a senior medical officer for making a mistake, where a small error on your part could kill a patient and where you can witness the happiest and saddest moments of a person's life like if a person gets cured from a heart disease or one of the patients dies from an accident... Seriously, it's just my third tomorrow and I think I've already experienced a lot. 

Like earlier, I extracted blood from a baby for the first time, and it took me a long time because she was really in pain and just kept crying and thrashing about...seriously, I almost cried along with the poor baby girl...


Third is that...I won't be able to update my fics as quickly as I did before especially since there's no internet in our house these days for some reason...connection problems so I'm like writing this in a cafe somewhere downtown and I have to get home soon coz I've got hospital duty in like 6 hours and I need to get some sleep! LOLz.

But rest assured, I will update "An Infinitely Complicated Love Story" (wait for the people! it's gonna be---...^______^), "I Belong to Master L!" (forgot to update coz the flashdrive I kept my files in got lost so I had to rewrite the chapters), "Infinite Smex and " (just coz there isn't any YaDong or much WooGyu in it yet) and "I'm Just a High School Junior and I'm Married?!" as soon as I possibly can. And please pray that our internet connection gets fixed...I miss the internet at home!



Fourth is that I love all my readers, friends and guys are DAEBAK!!! <3<3<3






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:O you're a medical intern?? congratz unnie!!!
I always wanted to enter the medical field, but I'm not exactly sure what I wanted to do and I have to decide because I start college next year T-T
a lot of people keep telling me to go into pharmaceuticals because I'm good at math and I know my chem o.o"
Ah. Good lcuk with your internship. I can only imagine how impactful one at a hospital can be >.< So much goes on there >.< Take your time on your fics. You don't want to over work yourself, because health is always the most important >.< Hwaiting!
Haha don't worry about us..Get well soon and don't forget ti Smile!!:)
I pray!!~^^
And i'm patient!!:D..Anyways Fightiiiiing!!~~^___^ <3333
a medical intern?!
wow you must be damn smart.........