Rising Writers [Jr. Writing contest] ~ Plot summary's

Plot Summary's


1.     The last thing ____ did before she died was write a letter to _____ explaining everything. A letter that went up in flames on that fateful day. Now it is up to _____ to discover the truth behind _____'s death.

_______, a shy person has but one wish. To become something in ___'s eyes. With the help of a kind an outgoing model named ______ met online _____ will get the revamp of a lifetime. Will ________, finally start to look at _______?


3.     What happens when _____ an aspiring ROCKer, and the dark cloud of gloom and death of the school, and ________ (group name) collide? And they make a bet to switch lives to show each other what the better life style (the limelight or the like of a hard rocker). And love slowly slips into their plans.)

4.     _____ can't remember a thing. Fell down a flight of stairs and awoke in the arms of ______. Who tells her that unless she does exactly what he says he's going to teleport her to the center of the earth and leave her there.

5.     _______ (group name) gets super powers.

6.     _______ is dying, and on her death bed _______ meets someone that make (he/she) want to stay alive for. Every night before (his/her) big surgery, ______ dreams of him, (his/her) mind escapes to a realm where (he/she) can spend every second with _______. But as _______ comes closer to the big day, (his/her) dreams take a turn (for the worst? Become something much more? /whatever you want ^^/)

7.     Write about someone who is yearning for something…. More.

8.     ________’s blind (you can switch this with any type of disability), but that doesn’t stop (him/her). _______’s too ambitious for that and (he/she) will accomplish (his/her) dream no matter how impossible people may say it is.

9.     ________ and _________ are twins. News that shocks everyone, ________ always looks so disheveled and unsocial, while ________ seems like royalty. ________ blames everyone but (her/him)self, then one day the school new, young, and good looking guidance counselor stops ________ from jumping off the roof and decides to help make (him/her) even better than ________.

10.   _______ falls down a flight of steps and find (him/her)self hospitalized and in a coma. _____ finds (him/her)self) hoping the dreams of the people around (him/her), from a little boy visiting his dying mom, to the dying old man dreaming of his deceased wife in the room next to (him/her).


You are allowed to make  tweaks to these plots, just make sure it is still identifiable.

Also, you may use more than one plot however the max is two!

 In the foreword of your story (under your detailed summary) please include the prompt and prompt number. 


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Sorry,but do you mind explaining prompt ten a little more, I don't seem to get the message...:)
Can we use more than one prompt?