
I'm going to Italy in September for 17 days and I was asking if anyone has been there? what's it like? how are the markets? is it expensive Im bringing $1000 Australian dollars which is 700  euros. Is it enough for 17 days??? and are their any advice when in Italy??? please tell me!!!! xoxox


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Marianations #2
Me ! I went there back in March. I went for 5 days and brought 270 euros, I only spent 150. You can PM for more information.
Islandninja #3
So lucky ! How old are you ? Sorry to ask you i just wanted to know :)
I went to Italy last year. I sat at a sidewalk cafe in Venice, I ordered two sandwiches and a bottled water. My bill was pretty much $400 USD
I've been there and dayum the prices are unbelievably expensive like seriously. You're gonna need alot more money.
why is spain on my mind rofl
Lucky u ><
spain is one of those european countries i havent visted yet so sorreh i got no advice
But have fun unnie. :D