♡ Endless ♡ || Kim Kyohan || Kyo♡






Name :  Kim Kyohan

Other Names : None

Nick Names : None

Stage Name : Kyo

Birthdate : 1990 September 19th

Age : 22

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : AB

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Languages : Korean (Fluent), Japanese (conversational), Chinese (basic)

Personality :

Kyohan's a leader. That's what she was born to do. Sure, she can come off as bossy, but there's no way you can disobey her. And is this girl is bold, too. If what she says causes a scandal, she doesn't care; she's honest and doesn't want to be seen as weak. (Like that's a problem.) Kyohan is very confident as well. The stage is her home, and she has no fear of it. Kyohan's also a very protective leader. If you insult Endless, she take it personally and will chew you out. Those girls are her family, and she cares for them more than anything else. Because of her boldness and confidence, it's really hard for Kyohan to make friends; she's intimidating and she's got a shell that's tough to crack. If you get to know her, though, you'll find she's surpisingly friendly. She's a loyal friend, if nothing else. Give her some credit for at least that much.

Like I said, Kyohan is very bold. That can be a bad thing. She doesn't know how to think before she speaks; hence, what she says is always honest, and brutally so. If you get easily offended, or if you're sensitive, getting to know Kyohan is not a good idea. She doesn't leave out anything when she speaks and is actually quite rude. Like I said, Kyohan's also very bossy. If the members aren't doing, say, their chores, she makes sure they do them. This girl is scary, especially when she's angry. Kyohan is very impatient; if everybody's not on time all the time, she'll get mad. Again. So summary: Do not get Kim Kyohan angry. It will end very badly for the both of you.

Background : Kim Kyohan was born and raised in the bustling city of Seoul, South Korea. Her family is one of performers; her older brother is an actor, and her father is a rock musician. Kyohan felt pressured to find something she was good at performing as a kid; she couldn't sing well like her father or act well like her brother. The few hip-hop lessons she took as a child ended in a fractured ankle. She was about to give up on performing entirely - and then she discovered rapping. Which she's really, really really good at.

Kyohan picked the worst time to be a trainee, though. That was the time her brother starred in Dream High, and all the attention went to her handsome, acting brother. Kyohan still feels like she's in his shadow; however, as a trainee, she became determined to debut. That way she could outshine him for once.

Now that she's debuting, her dream is coming true. Right now her goal is to outshine her brother; if that comes true she can focus on relationships later. Her focus now is Endless.



Idol Name : Victoria

Links/Tumblr : This one

Back-Up Idol Name : Yura

Links/Tumblr : That one

Height : 170 cm

Weight : 55 kg

Style :  Kyo's fashion style is as bold as her personality. She doesn't care what she wears, as long as it look good. She'll show skin, wear heels, anything - if she likes it, she'll wear it, no matter what. 1 2 3 4 5



Family :

Kim Choong Hoon | 49 | Father | Rock Musician

Choi Mindae | 49 | Mother | Music Teacher

Kim Soohyun | 24 | Brother | Actor

Bestfriend : Sam Carter | 25 | Lunafly | Why are these two best friends? It could easily be because Sam's so down to earth, while Kyo's up in the clouds. Opposites attract.

Friends :

Ham Eunjung | 24 | T-Ara

Seo Jihyun | 23 | Rookie actress

Choi Leeun | 22 | Trainee

Rivals : Bae Suzy | miss A | 18 | She broke Soohyun's heart. As much as Kyohan's a rival of Soohyun's , they're still siblings; hurt him and she'll hurt you.

Scandals: None

Smoky Girl




Lovers name : Kim Sunggyu

Age : 24

Personality : He's a lot like Kyo, actually - in the sense that they're hard to befriend. He's kind deep down, but first he has an incredibly grumpy exterior you have to get through. Good luck?

Relationship : Rivals. And not friendly rivals; rival rivals.

How long have you been togther : (if dating)

How you treat eachother : They're in love with each other, sure, but they're rivals first. They argue and try to be better leaders to their groups than each other. They fight when they see each other.

Request? : Kissing during one of their many arguements - and both of them being shocked by it.





Back-up lovers name : Jang Dongwoo

Age : 23

Personality : He's stupidly kind and determined, as well as suprisingly smart.

Relationship : Friends.

How long have you been togther: (if dating)

How you treat eachother : Dongwoo tries to crack Kyohan's shell; usually it doesn't work. He tries anyway.

Request? Kyohan finally snapping at Dongwoo, and then being all, "B-but I like you! D="

Shaking Heart


Likes :

  • The color red
  • Dinosaurs
  • Historical fiction
  • Morning
  • Fast cars and racing

Dislikes :

  • People with bad taste in music
  • Small towns. She's a city girl through and through.
  • People that are late to things often.
  • Harsh judges. (Although she is one.)
  • Unfunny YouTube videos. She'll send bad comments.

Hobbies : She's not a horrible artist. She really does love to draw.

Habits : Brushing her bangs out of her face, namely.

Weakness : She can't sing well at all.

Trivia :

  • Had an absolutely miniature role in Dream High.
  • Known for her skinship.
  • The other memberrs are afraid of her, but she just wants their love.
  • Watches Tobuscus and Jacksfilms; they're her favorite YouTubers of all time.
  • Slowly but surely learning English.
  • Had a minor role in the video for miss A's "I Don't Need a Man".
  • She's got a notebook full of drawings that she refuses to look at. Ever.
  • Kettle-cooked potato chips are her favorite food.
  • Her guilty pleasure? Romantic comedies.
  • Her pajamas? Just her fuzzy white bathrobe.
  • Knows how to grill meat. It's delicious.
  • Always has her nails painted red, no matter what.
  • Always has gum on her.



Persona : The Scandalous Leader

Position : Main Rapper, Leader, Vocalist

Back-up Position : Main Vocalist, Visual

Personal Fanclub Name & Color : Todays in Red


Trainee Life : Rapping, rapping, and rapping. This girl was focused as a trainee; she made no friends and didn't work on anything besides training. She did her best with everything.

Trainee Years : 2


I Love You


comments : Nah~

request : Endless karaoke night.

suggestions : Nah~

password: Make 'em feel the heat.

Love Scene Request? :  Just a lot of Sunggyu/Kyo arguements before they get together.

Show Request ? : After School Club!

Song Suggestions? : Nah~



Thanks For Applying ! - Love  Jungkooks_Wife_ &



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