Self Quiz ( Stolen from Kur-ray)

1. if you would want another name, what would it be? = Ari or...some mystic names :P
2. what country do you want to be born in? = Korea or America
3. name three persons who make you laugh (irl) = Jammie, Sarah and Andrea
4. how many siblings do you have? = One
5. what's your favorite sport to do and watch? = Dancing and Synchronized swimming :P
6. what was your first k-pop song? = Oh! by SNSD
7. what's your favorite color? = Black and Peach
8. what are you in your group of friends? (the aegyo master, the silent leader, etc.) = the blank one XD
9. if you had the chance to change your fate, would ya? = I don't know....sometimes i want to, sometimes i don't :P
10. who's your favorite disney princess? = Umm..Cinderella XD I grew up with her
11. if you had one message to your teachers and classmates, what would it be? = Umm....
12. name three talents you have = Dancing, learning languages, being awkward
13. if you were to join a girl group, which would it be? = SNSD , f(x), 2NE1....many XD 
14. if you were to join a boy group which would it be? = EXO, B.A.P, BTOB....many...again XD
15. are you a potterhead, demigod, narnian and a tribute? = potterhead XD
16. who's your favorite English singer? = Justin Timberlake maybe ? 
17. who's your role model in life? = SNSD as a whole^^
18. who would you consider your online best friend? = Umm....I don't know....there are more than one :P
19. are you a female seagull who does your own makeup? = I don't usually wear make up since I'm too small :P But when I do,i think I'm pretty XD
20. what's your favorite quote? = " Life is a dance, and we are our own choreographer" -Sher Meyer
" if you can't accept me at my worst, then you sure don't deserve me at my best" - Merlin Monroe


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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i make you laugh <3
OMG OMG OMG it my name there? XDD

I CRY. ;n;

wait. I think I'm just imagining...oh, yeshhh I am. *giggles like an idiot* XDD
Can I take this and credit you? ^^ <3
I'll take this? :D