Character Sheet

basically I'm using this right now for new stories (that haven't been posted yet ^^)
and maybe it will help you too ^^


1.  What is their name?

2.  Are they known by any other names or nicknames?

3.  How old are they?

4.  How do they feel about their age?

5.  What impact has their age had on their personality?

6.  How tall are they?

7.  What build are they?

8.  How do they hold themselves?

9.  What is their hair like?

10.  How do they shake hands?

11.  How do they eat?

12.  How is their health?

13.  How fit are they?

14.  What are their physical assets?

15.  Are they aware of their physical assets?

16.  What physical flaws do they have?

17.  Are they aware of their physical flaws?

18.  How do they feel about their appearance?

19.  Do they have anything about their appearance that they try to hide or disguise?

20.  How do they dress?

21.  How do they move?

22.  What gender are they?

23.  What is their attitude towards gender?

24.  What uality are they?

25.  What attitude/beliefs do they have about uality?

26.  What is their ual history?

27.  How do they feel about love, and relationships?

28.  What does their voice sound like?

29.  How fast do they speak?

30.  What accent or dialect do they have?

31.  What idiosyncratic language do they use?

32.  What is their vocabulary like?

33.  How does the way they speak change when they speak to different people?


34.  How intelligent are they?

35.  What is their attitude towards intelligence?

36.  What kind of temperament do they have?

37.  How happy or unhappy are they generally?

38.  How self-aware are they?

39.  What do they know about themselves?

40.  What aspects of their personality are they unaware of?

41.  How do they react to pleasant surprises?

42.  How do they react to unpleasant surprises?

43.  How do they cope under pressure?

44.  How do they show that they are happy?

45.  How do they react to being embarrassed?

46.  What are their beliefs?

47.  Are they religious?

48.  What is their attitude towards people with different beliefs or lifestyles?

49.  What really annoys them? Pet peeves?

50.  What is guaranteed to cheer them up?

51.  What is their favourite way to unwind?

52.  What conflicts are they facing?

53.  What are their inner conflicts?

54.  Do they have any conflict with society?

55.  What are they keeping secret from the other characters?

56.  What are they lying to themselves about?

57.  What are they keeping secret from the reader/audience?

58.  Do they have a secret life?

59.  What are they lying about?

60.  What secrets are they keeping for others?


61.  What do they want?

62.  What do they never want to become/do/be?

63.  Will they become/do/be that thing?

64.  What do they dream about or hope for?

65.  What are they afraid of?

66.  What do they really not want to happen?

67.  What do they secretly want or desire?

68.  What are their virtues?

69.  What are their vices?

70.  What are their values?

71.  What difficult situation are they in?

72.  Why do they stay in that difficult situation?

73.  What family do they have?

74.  What friends do they have?

75.  What is their relationship to the other characters?

76.  How do they react to strangers?

77.  How do they treat their friends?

78.  What is their profession?

79.  Are they happy with their profession?

80.  What is their relationship with their work colleagues?

81.  How wealthy are they?

82.  Do they come from a wealthy background?

83.  Where and when were they born?

84.  Where have they lived?

85.  What is their ethnic background?

86.  What is their social background?

87.  What were their parents like?

88.  What was their childhood like?

89.  What kind of education did they have?

90.  Did they have a good or bad time at school?

91.  What were the major events in their life?

92.  What are the best things that have happened to them?

93.  What are the worst things that have happened to them?

94.  How has their history affected their appearance?

95.  What are their hobbies?

96.  What is their lifestyle like?

97.  What are their favourite possessions?

98.  What are their daily habits and rituals?


99.  What is the most surprising thing about them? These can be things that break stereotypes.

100.  What are the contradictory qualities of this character?


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