
     This will be a small rant about, how even though my mom comparing me to people doesn't bother me anymore, the one person I get compared to most...REALLY MAKES ME WANT TO FLIP A TABLE. Lets start with a small comparison between us. First of all, she has ALWAYS been better than me in everything, ever since we were children.

     Oh! I should explain who she is~ She is the daughter of my mothers best friend. We are the same age, except (this is where the comparisons begin) she is a few months older than me. I swear, our rivalry was planned by our mothers. When we were babies, it was always: Who is the cuter baby? She won. Only because her mother spent tons of money on expensive and pretty clothing for her. Ugh.

     If you don't read my first post, you might not understand some of this so I recommend checking that out first. Anyways, as you know, I was signed up for Karate at a young age. Well, so was she. And she advanced faster than me. The little . Yes, I am that kind of person. YOU CAN'T BE BETTER THAN ME. And she was always complimented on her skill...Right in front of me. And I was always like : Hey! I'm here too! I did well too~

     As we grew older it became the question of : Who is prettier? Who is smarter? Who is more talented? Well, along with Karate she also took dance lessons, as well as piano and violin lessons. So as far as talented goes: She always won that category. Smarter? She won that too, by the smallest percentile. If I had a 99, she always had a 100. If I had a 100, she found a way to get a 105. TALK ABOUT A LITTLE .

     Oh and as far as who is prettier goes...Her again. Please, ain't nobody got time for being pretty. Except you know, her and super models and other people as well. Yea...Forget what I said before. ;A;

    And things seemed to only get worse. When I entered Junior High, I began to lose by a lot more than I was losing by before. Looks? She was gorgeous, a perfect complexion, thin, pretty facial features. Me? I was overweight, I had a face full of acne, and my face was disfigured by the weight (It happens, I swear). Smarts? Probably the only thing that I was able to match up with her. Woohoo! Talent? She was fantastic at ballet, amazing at playing instruments, and also very athletic. Me? I was good at surfing. Channel surfing, that is.

     This rivalry didn't do anything special for my self esteem, btw. Okay, now lets skip into my sophomore year of high school. I was thin, decently pretty (I think), and my grades were practically perfect. As far as talents go, I was a star soccer player, I had gotten really into music in the last few years. What was previously just a hobby became A LOT more important to me. 

     I started to play violin all the time, piano was almost an obsession and guitar was up there as well. Singing, eh, my brother is pretty cruel. So, I never know if I'm actually good or not. (He likes to fool around all the time. One second I'm good, the next I ) I remember thinking that this would be my time. I had improved like crazy, and I was finally going to beat her this time. NOT.

      As much as I had improved, so had she. Our grades: We still matched each other there. As far as looks go, she had matured in that aspect. She was taller and in the last few years her body had developed...quite a bit. Yes, she had bigger s and a nicer then me. God damn her. Facial features: She was super model worthy.

     Finally, talent, she was an excellent singer, practically professional in violin and her dancing compared to that of a professionals. Yea. I was beat. And pissed. I still kind of am, but I have to let go at some point. The other issue: She was popular among boys. Me: Hopeless. It had nothing to with how I looked or anything like that. I was just very helpless when it came to the opposite . I didn't know how to act. Strange, since I grew up around boys.

      She was even popular with my brothers. (My brothers are both older. One is 20, the other is 25) This made me furious, my brothers are off limits, okay!? I was all like 'Oh hell no, get your big s and your hormones off of my brothers, or I will cut a '. I'm protective, and I'm the sister. Anyways, lets talk about a more recent aspect of our rivalry.

      I was recently accepted into Columbia (Yes, the one that AJ from U-Kiss went to). I was thrilled, my family was unbelievably proud and as far as I knew, I had finally beat her at something. Less than a week later, her mother called up my mother to tell her some big news. She was accepted into Harvard. I you not, I think I crapped myself on that day. Yes, I was so angry I just crapped myself. I'm still super pissed. I'll get over it eventually (Yea, right).

      I'm gonna try hard to make sure that from now on, I won't freak out when she beats me. I'll try. I'll definitely fail, but I'll still try. This is all I have to say for now. As far as my fics go: I think I'm gonna be up all night updating X.X BYEBYE!!!

Just want to give you a few pictures...Of my biases. I saw these and I was like choking on my food. Which made my mom get mad at me for being a spazz. She likes to hang in my room. A lot. It's starting to creep my out. I'm going off topic, sorry! Now for the pictures. ENJOY!


Classic. Yes. Classic.


Well played, Kim Jaeseop. Well. Played.


And you wonder why he's my bias...Just look at that y !


Mir is admiring Seungri from down here. DON'T JUDGE HIM








Wasn't the biggest fan of the drama. But, he can work a uniform. O.o It's almost, inhuman. DUNDUNDUN.


He's like: Bet I can kill you

Me: Naww

Him: *smiles*



This is so unfair that I can't even...STOOOOOPPPPPP. Except don't.


I expected more from you Nichkhun. I really did. BUT YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS YOUR FORMER LEADER. ;A; Put yo shirt on, fool. I mean, you can keep it off if you want. You know what, here, let me just burn that for you. Yep, settled that problem. You're welcome, world.


He's like: Oh, what's this? pics of Eunhyuk!?                                            *sends to self*




He's not my bias of SHINee. But I still died when I saw this. BTW, Minho, you can have him.........................But I call dibs on Key.


When is Key not fabulous? Answer: NEVER


Beware: This usually innocent looking K-Pop star can become incredibly y when trying to seduce women (or Key). In order to prevent yourself from becoming victim to this monster, you should: Hide your ovaries, cover your cleavage and leave no part of your body un-clothed. You're welcome. ~This has been a Public Service Announcement~


When did this happen? You used to be such a dork, I mean, I'm sure you still are... Seeing as how every K-Pop star is a dork. But, STILL. You've changed into...into....A CUTIE PIE. AWWWWWWWW. Heheh. Did you think I was gonna say 'man'? Oh, please, we all know that will never happen.

That's all for now, folks. I really enjoyed this. Teehee! Anyways, Bye...Now....Yep...Still, awkward. And I just heard a mouse sound come from my ceiling. And there is a huge hole in my ceiling from a small accident that happened. So, yea, kind of scared that a mouse is about to just fall out of the ceiling. If it happens, I'll be sure to tell you guys! *hemhem* Only 3 people have actually read my first post...so....Yea...Awkward...BYEBYE!!!


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