❦ L o v e C a f e | | a p p l i c a t i o n Moon Hyun Ae


Moon Hyun Ae || The Clumsy Baker


||  BlowingBubbles ||  Activeness: 10/10  || DeeDee  ||

이름이 뭐죠~

Birth Name: Moon Hyun Ae

Nicknames: Hyunnie, all her friends call her that because they think it fits her image.

Birthdate:  12-09-95, 18

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Nationality: Korean

Blood Type: A



새 얼굴~

Ulzzang Name: Byeon Seo Eun

Ulzzang Link:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Backup Ulzzang: Park Min Ju

Backup Ulzzang Link: 1 | 2 | 3 

Style:   Girly, Innocent,  Comfortable

Casual: 1| 2 | 3  

Formal: 1| 2 | 3 

Sleep wear: 1| 2 | 3

Vacation Wear: 1| 2 |

Others: She has a few scars in her legs from falling a bunch.


저를 깊은~

Plotline: The Clumsy Baker 

Backup Plotline:  The Nerdy Waitress

Personality: Hyunnie is the definition of clumsy and a day-dreamer. Ever since she was young she has been falling all over the place. She likes to day-dream which clashes with her clumsy trait, and tends to lead her into accidents. She is quiet and doesn't try to stand out much. She hates being the center of attention and gets teary when she does.SHe is very friendly when spoken too, and won't hesitate to help people if they need some. Shes honest and can't tell a lie even if she tried to. Although, if she gets mad, its best to stay away from her. She can change from a ball of sweetness to a ball of hatred in mere seconds. She does hold grudges and when she doesn't like someone, she doesn't like someone and won't talk to them at all. 

Likes: Tea (She fell in love with it at first sip), Fairy-Tales (Shes been in love with them since she was little.), Chocolate (What girl doesn't like chocolate? XD), Reading (She likes to lose herself inside the books), Family (Her family and her are close.), Daisies (She doesn't like roses and thinks they are a more pretty flower)

Dislikes: Bitter Tea (She hates the taste), Jeans (They feel weird on her), Mean People (She doesn't like getting mad), Platform heels (They hurt her feet and she doesn't like feeling like a sky-scraper.). Embarressing situations (She hates being the center of attention)

Hobbies: Playing the violin, reading, day-dreaming

Habits:Rocks back and forth on her heels when standing too long, Falls randomly, Twirls her bangs when bored.

Fears: Heights, Rejection

Trivia: Takes midnight strolls in the park ~ owns a entire shelf of otome games ~ used to be a fujoshi ( lover) ~ loves reading fantasy books ~ goes to a university for mathmatics ~ likes to write in her diary about new people she meets and encounters ~ A pro-gamer ~ Has two bookshelfs full of videogames 

내 역사~

Background: Hyunnie's family owns a ramen shop (The Spicy Noddle), in downtown Seoul. Hyunnie was planning on taking it over and working there when she was older, but her parents had different plans. Hyunnie had always been good in school, and didn't have many friends. She was just hoping to spend the rest of her life working in her familys shop so she thought she didn't need any since she has her family. Soon after Hyunnie turned 16, she was ready to start working part-time at the resturant. When she asked her father, he said that he didn't want her to since he didn't want her to hurt herself. Hyunnie was really heart-broken and she felt betrayed. Trying to prove her parents wrong, she's  been trying to find another job to work at, but hasn't been very succesful.

Family: Father | Moon Du-Ho | 41 | Ramen Shop Owner | Worrysome, Caring, Friendly

  Mother | Moon Cho | 40 | Ramen Shop Owner/Cook | Worrysome, Bubbly, Friendly

Best Friends: Lee Min Young | 22 | Shop Owner (Classy Threads) | Funny, Gossiper, Mature | Hyunnie applied at her shop to work at, and was accepted. Min and her soon become close friends. However, after sometime working there, Min couldn't help but notice her decrease in sales since Hyunnie started working there. Hyunnie was always tripping and failling accidentaly ripping merchandise and falling on customers. Min let her go, but Hyunnie doesn't hold it aganist her and still sees her as her best friend.

Friends: Wang Fei | 18 | University Student | Cold, Serious, Rebellious | Hyunnie met her at the school and  asked her if she could sit with her in the library since all the tables were taken/ Fei had said no, but Hyunnie sat down anyway. Fei admitted she kind of liked the girl since she had guts and they became friends. Hyunnie always lectures her about trying in school. Fei justs tunes her out.

Rival: Lee Hi | 17 | University Student | Arrogant, Cocky, Confident, Friendly (Somewhat) | Hyunnie and her started out as friends in the university since they had all the same classes. That was until Lee Hi decided to ditch Hyunnie since she was always tripping over herself anf making a fool of herself. Hyunnie holds a grudge aganist her for that.

내 가디언


Love Interest's Plotline: The Sweet Customer

Love Interest's Name: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)

Group: EXO

Age: 19

Personality: Xiumin is known for his friendly and humorous nature. He likes to smile and have everyone around him smiling. He would help a granny cross the street if he saw one. He tends to be teased by his friends for his face that makes him look like a steamed bun, but he likes to go along with it. He doesn't like people being mean to him or anyone around him. He is a tad bit mischevious and likes to play pranks on his friends. Overall, hes a sweet and charming guy.

Relationship: Strangers

Have you met before?

[  ] yes [ X ] no

If yes how?: 

If no, how do you want to meet each other?: Hyunnie falls while walking home from work one day. He sees her and helps her up. She gets all shy and runs off after thanking him quickly. The next day when she comes to work, hes there and calls her out. The whole cafe looks at her, and Hyunnie runs into the back embarressed.

How do you act around him?: Hyunnie gets really embarressed and flustered. She becomes EVEN MORE clumsy and can't keep eye contact or conversation too long.


Backup Love Interest's Plotline: The flower boy waiter

Backup Love Interest's Name: Lee Taemin

Group: SHINee

Age: 18

Personality: Lee Taemin is known for his good-looks and inncocent nature. He is a bit naive and is very friendly. He loves to make conversation with people, and help them as much as he can. His charming smile melts noona's hearts, and his personality makes even dudes swoon. 

Relationship:  Friend and Friend

Have you met before? 

[X ] yes [ ] no

If yes how?: They were in the same university before Taemin dropped out. Hyunnie and him were lab partners one day and they really hit if off by how much they had in common. 

If no, how do you want to meet each other?: 

How do you act around him?: Taemin is one of the few people Hyunnie is comfortable with. She loves to talk to him and play around with him. They always goof off together. Although, Hyunnie has started to feel something more with him whenever he smiles at her.




Comments: Ah! I really like the story lines. They were all unique and I had a hard time choosing XD

Questions: Did I do everything right? Anywhere where i need to add more?

Scene Suggestion: Hyunnie and Xiumin going on a date, Hyunnie strolling through the park at night and Xiumin is swinging on the swings waiting for her (Total creeper moment)

Password: Love Cafe




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