Mythical Love Banner! No. 6 anime!

What's this?!?!?! My favorite author Lilviscious just offered to make a banner for me~!!!! KYAAAA!!! *jump for joy*  So I asked her if she could make a banner for Mythical Love because it has Siwon in it and she likes Siwon.  She read the fic and made the banner in no time like WOAH~! It was really fast~! All done within one night~ o_o 


So for those who haven't read my Siwon/Sungmin fic "Mythical Love" then you should check it out! For those who have read it, well... just take a look at the banner~! XD


I finally finished watching the anime No. 6 and yet, I'm sad that it has ended.  You know how you get this happy yet sad feeling when you've finished watching such a great drama/anime? and I was disappointed with how short the kiss was between the guys!!!!!!! XD!!!!!! Aish... I wish it could have been longer or more @_@ But I understand how that anime isn't exactly a anime though I was wishing so badly it was XD but anyway, I really enjoyed it <3


So now I'm thinking whether I should start watching another anime or a drama. Hmm.... but I'm more into anime lately~ *looks at my want to watch list* Hmm...


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hae_ki #1
hahaha... cliffhanger kaau ila kiss sa? mayta naai mag.himo ug lain pero more on na haha