Dear Heechul

Happy Birhtday Heechul oppa <3

Dear, Kim Heechul


     I know that you like 17 years older than me ;_; but I dont care about the age diffrence between us. Not even one bit I always wished that i was older than what i really am right now but Im not :'(........ But that doesnt stop me from wanting to wake up in your arms even though i dont really do shin ship .-. and seeing your totally beautiful face in the morning with your bedhead <3


    I dont care if i was only 20 and you are like 36 years old and we have like 2 kids and people look at us weirdly and whispering stuff about us........ Okay that wouldnt bother me because they talk all they want but it wont stop us from loving each other.... I LOVE YOU KIM HEECHUL.


    I hope your healthy and safe right now <3 I hope your eatting okay and getting enough sleep <3


    I wish to meet you one day but sadly Im just a international fan from k-fans pov :( But that still wont even stop me from being a kpop fan :)








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i reallllyy hope u guys end up together too! dont 4get to invite me to ur wedding !!!!