The Colors of Love - Eternal White.


The Colors Of Love


 The Colors Of Love





{ Jung Taeil } 




Username : ThatsTheWay

Activeness : 9.8 (On way too often)

Nickname : Check it out, TTW in the house!






Name : Jung Taeil

Nicknames : Baby-Tae is what his friends call him if they want to piss him off. Rokhyun calls him Ttae.

Date of Birth  Age : December 25th, 1991 21

Male or Female? : Male

Birthplace  Hometown : Busan, South Korea Busan, South Korea

Height ❄ Weight : 180 cm ❄ in 60 kg






Ulzzang : Oh Jung Kyu

Links : Gallery

Backup Ulzzang : Lee Do Hyeong

Links : Gallery







Family :

Mother || Kim Sookah || 59 || Teacher || Very strict and stern, but she only means the best for her only son. || Taeil isn't close to either of his parents. See below for the reason why. He tries to avoid talking to his mother; he can't say he doesn't love her, though. || Alive

Father || Jung Taewoong || 60 || Teacher || Like Sookah, he's very strict and stern. Unlike Sookah, he's selfish, and only wants the best for himself. || Taeil has given up on his father entirely. He'll talk to his mother sometimes, but he refuses to talk to his father. || Alive 

Background : Taeil knew he didn't like girls from a fairly young age. When his friends were beginning to date and have girlfriends in middle school, he didn't get any action from females. (Girls did like him - he just wasn't interested.) Instead he savored the skinship and hugs his friends would give him, finding them much more important than the relationships his friends had with girls. He kept his ual orientation a secret from his parents, knowing they wouldn't approve of it, and purposely distanced himself from them.






Personality : Taeil tries his best to be a kind, accepting person. He hates discrimination, and being discriminated against; hence, regardless of your gender or race, he'll be nice to you. Taeil's also very humble. If he had a hand in doing something, he won't take the credit. He much prefers to give other people credit and props for things. As far as love goes, Taeil is pretty innocent; he doesn't think of at all when he's falling in love, and much prefers to get to know the person. He's friendly and easy to like; because of that, many girls liked him, unfortunately. Taeil hates fights; he's a peacemaker, and tries to stop his friends from arguing with eachother. He's also very polite to strangers; he doesn't like to make the first move but if he has to he will.

However, Taeil's shyness can be an issue. He doesn't speak unless he's spoken to, for fear of saying the wrong thing. He's also very overemotional; he feels happiness at more than maximum level, but he also gets upset easily too. It's not uncommon for potential friends to be turned off by his oversensitivity. Because of his quietness, Taeil seems cold on the outside; his shell is very hard to crack, so most people don't bother getting to know him. This boy can't keep a secret to save his life. He'll blab to somebody, in tears over it. He cries very easily, and is generally seen as too feminine to be a good friend. His friends from Middle School liked him before that, though.

Likes :

❄ His guitar - it's his best friend of all time.

❄ Owl City. His favorite musical artist.

❄ You know what? Music in general would work.

❄ Romantic comedy movies are his guilty pleasure.

❄ Eyeliner. Does he wear too much of it? Heck yes.

❄ A Pink is his favorite girl group of all time.

Dislikes :

❄ People making fun of him for his uality, firstly.

❄ Not being "manly" enough for some people.

❄ People he loves being discriminated.

❄  Being called out for his naturally quiet personality.

❄  The sound of gunshots.

❄ Action movies.

Hobbies :

❄ Playing guitar.

❄ Singing.

❄ Composing.

❄ Watching girl group videos. He likes the clothes - not the girls.

Habits :

❄ If he's in a social situation he's uncomfortable with, Taeil will brush his bangs over his eyes.

❄ Absently chords.

❄ Blinking a lot when he's being confronted.

❄ Crying at night, all alone. (For stress relief, of course.)

❄ Cracking his knuckles.


❄ #1 is not being accepted. He knows that his family (or, at least, his father) wouldn't accept him as their son anymore if he came out to them, but he still wants his mother's love.

❄ Also, thunderstorms. They sound like gunshots, and he hates those.

Trivia :

❄ Currently unemployed; he makes money busking in the park.

❄ His favorite food is ddeokbokki.

❄ His favorite song is "Vanilla Twllight" by Owl City. (He considers it his song with Rokhyun.)

❄ Speaks with a really heavy Busan accent.

❄ He's seen all the Star Wars movies.





Friends :

Jung Taekwoon || 23 || Coffee shop owner || Middle school friend #1. || He's the other quiet one in their friend group, but he's more mysterious than Taeil is. || They enjoy each other's company, without talking. || 9

❄ Cha Sunwoo || 20 || Underground rapper || Middle school friend #2. || He's loud, playful, abrasive and mischevious. Opposites attract, I guess? || Sunwoo is smart enough to realize Taeil doesn't like Sunwoo's face all up in his business; he respects that. || 8

❄ Hwang Tiffany || 23 || Voice instructor || Middle school friend #3. || She's a sweetheart; she's also very girly and feminine. || Just like any other pair of best friends.  || 10


Love interest : Kim Rokhyun

Backup Love Interest : Lee Taemin

Date of Birth ❄ Age : February 10th 1991 ❄ 22

Personality : He's self-confident, but also very sweet and caring - towards Taeil especially. He's incredibly affectionate. Just don't get him angry; this boy can get very scary. He's protective of Taeil to the point that it's almost obsessive, but Taeil doesn't mind.

How you met : Rokhyun gave Taeil a buck when he was busking. It was love at first sight.

How you act around each other : Like they're married already. They're so sweet and affectionate, it's almost sickening; they do argue sometimes, but they can never stay mad for too long.


Love rival : Jo Jonghwan

Backup love rival : Jang Hyukjin

Date of Birth ❄ Age :  November 23 1992 ❄ 20

Personality : He's a nice guy, but wants he wants something, he'll do his best to get it, regardless of who he hurts along the way. His determination is both a fault and a virtue.

How you met : The first time Taeil went to Rokhyun's apartment. Rokhyun and Jonghwan were roommates.

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? : Jonghwan makes no effort to hide how much he wants Rokhyun. It's a battle of soulmates vs. roommates.






Plotline : Eternal White

Summary : They're soulmates, so falling in love wouldn't be that much of an issue. Instead, the issue is the fact that a.) Taeil's parents wouldn't accept him, and b.) that Jonghwan's an attractive guy, and Taeil's afraid of Jonghwan stealing Rokhyun from him.

Your views : Taeil starting to cry during a fight; then Rokhyun goes to comfort him.

Conflict : Taeil's parents - they won't accept him, but he wants to love Rokhyun anyways.





Comments : If you need me to make this het, tell me.

Suggestions : None~

Scene Requests :

❄ The boys busking together in the park? ♥


Password : Sometimes the heart see's what's invisible to the eye.



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