↷ authentique ♡ Jung, Hwa Young





Jung, Hwa Young
AliceHwang1 — Alice — 9



name: Jung Hwa Young

nickname(s): --- 

birthdate: 09/14/1993

age: 19

ethnicity: Korean-American


 Korean ( Fluent - However, she mistakes some things.)

↷ English ( Fluent )

↷ Japanese ( Basic )

↷ Mandarin ( Basic )



ulzzang: Lee Eun Jin + Gallery

backup ulzzang: Kim Soo Yeon + Gallery


Hair: Hwayoung love your hair and do not let anything bad happen to him. Her hair is half curly, but is also smooth sometimes. It is very shiny and soft, she usually spends products that leave your hair with more shine.

Face: Her face is really flawless without pimples, blackheads and etc.. She is known by her friends to have a baby face and have chubby cheeks, which are usually red both are tight. 

Skin: Her skin is clear and without unpleasant stains. She has a skin very clean and is always taking good care of her.

Height: 165cm

Wight: 46kg


Works: When Hwayoung goes to work in the shop, she always wears a clothe that allows she have comfort when working. However, as it is a fashionable shop, and many important and famous customers go there to order, she'll always very elegant, but nothing too extravagant.  |

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Casual: Casually, she likes to dress well but comfortable. Usually when she comes out, she lays a pair of jeans and a nice blouse, sometimes she lays other things for complementary, but she likes to dress very simple.

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Sleeping: To sleep, she does not like to wear pajamas, so she wears baggy sweaters, comfortable pants or shorts. She loves to put caps and let it warm fluffy. Just like sleeping with socks or slippers, she says it is to let your feet warm.

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Hairstyle: Hwayoung  loves doing hairstyles in her hair. If you notice, every day she will be with a different hairstyle, but their hairstyles are very well made and are really beautiful.

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Jewelry: Hwayoung does not like to wear jewelry, but she always boot to work to become more elegant and beautiful. But normally, she will only use if need it.

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Nails: Hwayoung never fails to make your nails. She is always painting color gracing super fluffy and beautiful.

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persona: The Baby Happy


The happy girl: Hwayoung is a very cheerful girl, who really can not stand still for a while. She is always very happy and this often helps others because she can enliven everyone and amuse everyone with her jokes and pranks. Your happiness actually infects people, she is always smiling and everyone can see that she is a very cheerful girl from afar, even without knowing her for a great time

The Cute girl: She is a very cute girl and using her strongest weapon is her aegyo whenever she wants something. But not deem evil, she only uses when she really want something, because she's no spoiled child. When she uses her aegyo, nobody can resist. Well, unless the person is already used to it, then the person will not be affected.

The Lovely girl: Be amiable, is one of his best qualities. It is very good for everyone and would never think of doing any harm to anyone, unless that person did something bad to someone she loves or her, anyway, so she will be very vindictive. But apart from that, she is a person who really likes to give a lot of affection and love for others.

The friendly girl: Hwayoung is very friendly, this is one reason for her to have so many friends. She is not shy and always enough in person starting a conversation, this greatly facilitates their conversation with the person. Hwayoung makes a person very comfortable and makes her realize that she is a girl that is very reliable and friendly.

The Stubborn girl: This girl is the stubbornness in person. She hates to be wrong, then she will always insist to death with the person. Even knowing that the times is totally wrong, she will not accept that it is wrong and continue their "little war". But sometimes, she just adimitindo, since she usually gets tired of sulking.

The Inocent and naive girl: Hwayoung is surely a girl very innocent and naive. She can believe everything what they say, even being one of the dumbest things. This causes her to fall frequently in jokes of bad taste people, but your friends are always there to help her.

The Lazy girl: Hwayoung really is well lazy, however, she makes your tasks with much determination even if she is with laziness. Usually, she sleeps a little too much and sometimes forget their schedules and even lingers because of it. But she is trying to fix it

background: Hwayoung's mother was pregnant with her when she and her husband had to travel to New York because of the work of her husband. Her parents did not want Hwayoung was born there, but she ended up being born in New york. She grew up with a lot of love from their parents and always won all the good and the best and all she wanted, but that did not spoil.

Her mother is a very intelligent teacher who works in one of the best schools in Korea, but at the time she was license because of her pregnancy. Her father is a very famous doctor who is known for doing his job very well and is one of the best in the hospital where he works. Certainly, her family is rich as well, but is very humble, always gives charity.

Her parents never imagined they would have to stay for a few more years, so Hwayoung had to learn English and grew to be a very cheerful girl and happy where he lived. She made many friends and was studying at a very good school. Happened them stay there until Hwayoung age 16. When she was that age, her parents decided to move to Busan, Korea. First Hwayoung did not want to because she had many friends in New York, but she had no choice and had to go with their parents. It was difficult at first, mainly because of the language. She only knew how to speak English and now would be having to speak in Korean. Her Korean became good, but she still mistakes some things.

Her parents decided move Hwayoung to Seoul , since she would have more opportunities there than in Busan. She did not want to go alone, but realized that it was the best. It was harder still, since she was alone and her Korean was still not very good. Her parents have bought a good home for her to live and even hired maids to do her tasks and not be alone. But Hwayoung still felt lonely and decided to get a good job that she got it all the time. At least she would not feel more lonely. So, so she sought but never found. Only one day, she finally found a store that was hiring. She was very excited.



- Snow/Winter

- Ice Cream

- Cheesecake

- Family

- Friends

- Shopping / Mall

- Sleeping


- Insects

- Dark

- Height

- Fake people

- Snobby people

- Wake up early

↷ Habits:

- Biting lips

Walking from one side to another when she is nervous or anxious.

- Humming when she is bored.

- Talking in her sleep

↷ Hobbies:

- Photography

- Working

- Decoration



Mother | Jung Soo Mi | 45 | Teacher | Lovely, reliable, protective, smart | Hwayoung and her mother get along well. Even now they are not being close, they always connect to each other and Hwayoung always tells everything to her mother because she knows she can always trust her. Her mother is very protective of Hwayoung and always reminds her of things healthy and good.

 Father | Jung Min Ho | 47 | Doctor | Protective, Funny, Friendly, Cool | Hwayoung is very close to her father and she always has a great time with him. Hwayoung misses him and her pranks, however, the two always talk on the phone or video call just like her mom. Both are good friends.


 Shin Hye Jin | 21 | Funny, Playful, reliable, lovely | Hyejin and Hwayoung are inseparable, but now as Hwayoung is working, they do not talk much. However, whenever they can, they meet and talk about many things. Beyond them are always up talking on the phone. And Hyejin will make her wedding dress there, so whenever she goes there, Hwayoung has a chance to talk to her.

 Cho Ji Sook | 18 | Cute, Funny, friendly, smart | Even Jisook being the youngest, she is like a mother to Hwayoung, always taking good care of her. They always tell each other everything. And whenever they can meet and go shopping or to a cafe to talk. Their friendship is very strong.

↷ ( It could be someone store? )



plotline: The irresponsible goofball

backup plotline: The Slow Kiddo

love interest: Kim Jongin ( Kai )

backup love interest: Xi Luhan

personality: Kai is a boy who always had everything and so became a spoiled brat and never takes anything seriously. Because of this, his parents scolded him several times, but never diantou then decided to give a worse punishment, which was to take his allowance if he does not start working. He did not want to lose your allowance then started working, but never takes the job seriously and plays more of what works. However, it always amuses people a lot and generally takes the tension around the room. He oftentimes shows that it is of great help, but also irritates with his jokes.

first meeting: Hwayoung will see that the store is hiring and will want to become better informed. When she enters the store, she ends up bumping into Kai. But only she falls to the ground, making Kai laugh a lot. Hwayoung does not like it and gets up without even apologize and try to find another person that works there, but unfortunately only has Kai. After he stops laughing, he asks what she wants in the store, only Hwayoung ignored. Hwayoung was discouraged from wanting to work there knowing he would working there too, but she would not give up because of it. When the owner arrived, Hwayoung said all right and informed. She returned home and made ​​his worksheet and the next day took him there, but Kai was the only one there again. Kai tried to talk to her, this time she spoke, but it was only to ask him to give your card to the owner. After a few days she received the call that was accepted, she was happy but discouraged to see Kai again.

relationship: Kai and Hwayoung live fighting. He loves to and Hwayoung always screams and hits him. However, the two are "partners in crime" and are always joking with people. The two can not go a day without fighting, and often, people Store play with them saying that they are a couple, Hwayoung always blushes, and Kai always speaks what is true and generally lay their arms around his shoulders, making Hwayoung her blush more and always fight with him. Taking their lutinhas, the two have fun and laugh with each other fairly. After Hwayoung started to work and live more with Kai, she discovered he was not as annoying as it was the first day.

You can do as they will stick together, but you can do something in the rain? Well, no need to be in the rain, but something romantic. I love scenes in the rain, lol Thank You ^-^


why do you want to work here?

Well, I do not know how to explain. But is that when I entered the store, I felt a familiar feeling and good. The store is very beautiful and it feel very comfortable with all your details. And people who work, are like a real family and they are all very nice. I wanted to join this family and be one of you. Since my family is far away, it would be great to have migos I can always trust

what do you want to work as?

Bead specialist / corsage maker

what are you good at?

I'm very careful with all the details, but sometimes I'm very clumsy, but that's not bothering me at all. I'm always thinking about all the details and I am very good in the small details, and I like to make everything very accurate.

are you going to live here too?

Yes. My family is far away and I really feel very lonely at home. It is very large, however, and I only have a few more employed, it is so annoying.

what do you think of your boss?

Hum.... He? Say he is a very good boss. Even sometimes being stubborn and grumpy, he treats everyone very well. Often it is not considered a boss, but a friend. I do not know for others, but I like him a lot ... do not get me wrong it's just like a boss and friends, lol.



comments: I hope you like me o/

scene suggestions: 

 Myungsoo gives a free day for the staff and everyone, including him, go to the amusement park.

anything else? A bridal ( Sorry, I do not know what that is. ) shop




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