

Nope, it's Miyavi ;)

I normally do not think they look alike, but this picture fooled me a split second.

I can see why Miyavi thought he and Heechul looked alike and wanted to meet him.

I mean, who wouldn't want to meet the Big Space Star.

Too bad Heenim didn't get to go to the concert he was invited to.

I wonder if they'll ever meet?


Speaking of Miyavi, Check out my new remix

Super Junior Vs Miyavi



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OMO wow he really does look like HeeCul there O.O
It looks like a girl version of Heenim :O
o.O and i was fooled!
i really thought that it was really him. ><
when i saw the picture,i thought it was edited
when i saw the picture,i thought it was edited
am i the only one who could immediately tell it wasnt heenim o.o
i swear i thought i was the only one that thought heenim and miyavi looked alike also cuz miyavi is half korean i kept saying THE DAY THESE TOO MEET WILL BE MAGICAL BEYOND BELIEF!!!!!! (excuse my nonsense im too asleep to be commenting)
oh yes. when did miyavi invite hee to his concert? i swear to god, this ship has been in the back of my mind for a while. too bad miyavi is married and this ship is dead.
fannykyuhyun #9
Omg!!! I swear I honestly thought it was Heenim!!!!
They met in a fanfic I've been reading lol.. (met and much more lol)