I'm so weird~!

So, I noticed I have a tendancy to switch expressions and words and thoughts in weird ways~! XD Like, I just commented on a story, and went from all capitals, to a quick normal comment, back to capitals.... It's not super weird, but compared to my usual behaviot it is~! It doesn't help it's almost midnight where I am and I'm super hyper~! XD And for thoughts, I can think of food and end up with snowboarding or a school trip~! I just never stop thinking~! I at meditating~! Maybe I'm hyper because I'm finally sleeping in my room again~! Oh yeah, I'll try to update Life at 2:00pm soon~! Sorry everyone~! For expressions I make the weirdest faces when I'm bored, excited, sad, happy, whatever~! I make silly faces all the time~! OMG I'm so tiiiiiiiiired~! Why can't I fall asleep~!~? Oh yeah, can someone tell me how to put a poll on posts~? I like to say I'm good with computers, but I'm not at all~! XD BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE~!~!~!~!

Peace Out,

Kitktykatty~! XD


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