Ignore me, I just feel like ranting!

You know, my professors on my portfolio committee last spring assured me that I'm not weird.  Because I turned in all my poetry to graduate and it tends to get kind of odd, I asked them, "So I'm not weird?"  And my advisor looked me in the eye and said, "Kerri, you're not weird.  You're actually pretty normal."  I almost cried and I still questioned him, "Really...?"

Because I remember when I first started reading manga in middle school.  That was considered weird.

Watching anime?  Even weirder.

Finding Visual Kei in high school?  Omg, those girls are guys, you must be gay.  

Going to university was slightly better.  But I've always been one of those shy, I'm gonna stay in my corner until someone speaks to me before I make a fool of myself, type of person so I never really made any friends there.  Even in the English Department surrounded by the geekist of people.  I actually never felt so strange and out of place than I did with my fellow graduate students.  Probably becasue I wasn't a a Woolf-loving, you must read Whitman, I know every type of literary criticism there is kind of person (ugh, I still don't understand literary criticism).    

Nope, I was known as the Asian-loving girl.  And this is where I got the name Kabuki. (My favorite question from people, "Do they really sing in Japanese?")  

But I also grew up on a dairy...so there's this farmgirl in me that likes to come out at times.  Like during tractor pulls.  I love a good tractor pull...XD

So let's look at it this way with all things considered:  I'm a farmgirl, who is obsessed with Japanese and Korean bands, I love Asian men but the shirtless farmboy doesn't look too bad either.  Some days I dress like a tomboy, some days I like to dress up, most of the time I dress like a Harajuku punk and my favorite brand is Pot.  I have more manga than any one person needs (358), I adore Hello Kitty even if it clashes with all my badass GazettE posters.  I love putting together Gundam models and I feel incomplete if my hair doesn't have at least two colors in it (it's currently blue and blonde).  I like watcing Antique Roadshow and Are You Being Served? as much as I like Jmovies and Kdramas.  

I feel like such an awkward, strange human being sometimes.

I spent last week with my family...and that always makes me feel like...the strangest ing person ever.  I mean sometimes they treat me like I'm psychotic because I like Asian stuff.  And now they've read my poetry so now they think I'm demented as well.  My aunt is almost convinced that because I get so many pacakges from Japan and Korea that I'm on some sort of watch list with the government now lol

*sigh*  There's just no pleasing the family T^T

Anyways...I just felt like ranting for a bit.  Spending time with the family makes me want to rant.  Love em, but...argh, I always want to scream after a visit with them.  That and I was writing poetry and that always makes me wonder, "is this strange?"

Okay, I'm done...back to writing!^^










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I think you're pretty great ^__^